Swiss Net Censorship?

Swiss police want Internet service providers to block websites with suspected criminal content. The proposal is said to be aimed at suppressing porn and racist material online, but telecommunications companies are reportedly not amused. nrnThe proposal, if taken into law, would force ISPs to block the sites once investigators tip them off, and ask hosting services to conduct spot checks at minimum. But the Swiss Inside Telecom Association, representing major worldwide telecommunications groups, counters that's the easy way out rather than hunting down those who put the objectionable material online in the first place. nrn"The perpetrators of illegal content – not serious Swiss access providers – should be punished," says a statement from the association. "A private police force could easily turn into an intolerable censor, as in China, for instance." nrnInternet companies and Swiss authorities are set to discuss the proposal formally at a later date this year. Swiss police say the aim is blocking Websites from any location when their content violates Swiss law, and the measure is a substitute when authorities can't reach the Website authors. nrnThe question arose in Germany last fall, when an appeals court in Munich ruled ISPs couldn't be held responsible for content of child porn sites to which former CompuServe Germany head Felix Somm provided his customers with access.