Swedish Leftist Could Be Tossed From Party

Leftist Party secretary Lars Ohly

STOCKHOLM - Haerryda councilman Goeran Eurenius is a 47-year-old leader in Sweden's Leftist party. He also happens to have a career as a porn actor, having appeared in fourteen films - which is why he may be facing expulsion from the party, which supports feminist and anti-porn positions.

Eurenius insists he has done no wrong, according to the Associated Press, which says a daily newspaper report about his mixing a porn career with a political career has touched off a small storm within the Leftist party. "I want to work both with politics and pornography," he says.

Leftist Party secretary Lars Ohly says only that the party plans to discuss his future. "If the local branch decides to expel him, he can appeal to the national party, which then has a final say," Ohly tells the AP.

Eurenius, however, says the party's known about his acting career for at least a year - and he isn't planning to quit, either. "If they expel me, I will remain as an independent throughout the term," he said. "I am elected by the people. My leftist views are no different because of this."