Sweden's Porn King Loses Throne to Taxman

Berth Milton

STOCKHOLM - Berth Milton is considered the king of porn here. He's also the chairman and chief executive officer of Private Media Group, Inc., one of the world's top players in adult video, DVD, and magazines. And he's now a king without a throne, or at least a place to put it - his luxury home has been seized for over $800,000 in back taxes.

Swedish media reports cited by Reuters say Milton's home on Warmdo Island was seized after a district court determined it was owned by Private and managed by Private for Milton; thus Private was liable for Swedish taxes. The tax delinquency is said to cover 1995-1999, and the home could be sold at auction if the court ruling is confirmed, according to one Swedish report.

Traded publicly on the NASDAQ stock composite, Private reported 1999 profits of $3.73 million on revenues of $20.26 million.