
Sunshine came softly through my window today. Or maybe it was yesterday. Whatever the case, she was brought in by David Aaron Clark and John T. Bone. Clark had just shot her in Whore Stories 2: Last Known Address, and Sunshine, born in Thailand and raised in America, will grace the cover of another upcoming feature called Predators.

Predators is also the porn world's introduction to Cream Entertainment Group's latest gimmick, proving that the pro wrestling lessons Bone took last year did not go unheeded. Besides being the title of a feature, Predators is also the name of Cream's version of the New World Order, Degeneration X, The Powers That Be, The Wolf Pack, The Free Speech Coalition [just kidding], and every other darkside coalition now in existence.

Jamie Gillis, Bone, Clark and Steve Austin [the porno Steve Austin] make up the Predators, and their introduction is by way of the video wherein each director takes a crack at a scene and delivers it in his own twisted version of chaos.

A Buddhist, Sunshine warns you ahead of time that she's very open and very honest, but is pretty new to the adult video game. She says she's been in the business about a month and lives in Vegas where she used to work for an escort service.

"Uuuuugh," Bone groaned. "What's 'uuuuugh' I asked him.' "She lives in Vegas," he said. "She used to work in a soda shoppe."

"Okay," I said to Sunshine, "so you used to work at a family theme park in Vegas." Family values aside, Sunshine got in the biz by way of her girlfriend, a cocktail waitress at the Oasis bar who was asked by a couple of Internet guys if she'd like to do some shoots. She said thanks but no thanks but passed along the business cards to Sunshine who liked the idea of making some extra money. Sunshine did the shoots and hooked up with talent manager DK who's, well, managing her, while Bone, in the meantime, tries to get her to go to the Buddhist temple. So far, unsuccessfully. "She's not very good at going," he admits.

Background and religion taken into consideration, Sunshine says being in the sex industry is a bit difficult. "I have to lie to my parents a little bit," she says.

G. Ross: "Now you're going to have to lie to them a lot."

"Sunshine has become David's favorite girl," Bone says. "He's the guy who met her when she was brand new and had done nothing. He decided to take a chance on her and put her in the lead which is a big deal for a big budget, breakthrough picture for him. [Whore Stories 2].

"When we go on to Predators, it's just becoming apparent what a big deal this is," Bone continued. "Here you have four separate guys, each doing a scene in the same movie, now we're all in competition with each other. You can't just do a scene. You've got to outdo the other three guys. David, of course, immediately put his dibs on Sunshine. [Not surprising, considering Clark's predisposition towards Asian women].

"And she just happens to be the covergirl," says Bone, "so he happens to rise to the top. But it is a very interesting situation. You've got four guys who are all very, very different. There's no common theme. Each guy is going to do the best he can to show his work. "We're all disreputable in a slightly way," Clark adds.

"If you look at this closely, there's not really a nice guy there," Bone says. "Steve Austin, although he's the new kid on the block, really carries himself. He's the one who went to jail for his own perversions." Austin, according to Bone, went to the slam for making obscene phone calls. "It's true, and he's making a series for me about obscene phone calls," adds Bone, obviously not one to waste the value of a rap sheet.

"Jamie is the grand pervert of all," says Bone. "He has his credibility."

Bone also says that Sunshine, though a neophyte, is an incredible performer. "She's one of these kids who's a natural. The first time we put her in front of a camera, she responded to the camera incredibly well. She knows how to work it. She has a natural sexuality which is unusual. Today, most of the girls that come in, either their heart's not in it because they have a boyfriend, or they're only doing it for the money. They're not even dancers trying to make a career anymore. They're just fucking idiots who want too much money. But she's [Sunshine] serious about what she does. She's a good kid. She likes the sex part a lot. She likes the attention, she likes the socialization. She likes fucking which is a blessing. She's really got something to offer the industry."

Clark says the scene Sunshine did with Jamie Gillis, Steve Austin and Naughtia Childs in Whore Stories 2 was very interesting. "It was fun because there was definitely a moment where stuff could have gone either way," says Clark. "But the fact that Sunshine was not fazed and was doing her part, it kept everything going.

"Naughtia was such a brat," Clark noted. "You know the Jamie style. I took such pains to explain to her beforehand that this is what the scene's going to be like. It was a scripted scene. We ran through the script and everything, but when we got on the set, once it started she got very upset because Jamie kind of cut to the core of her reality as it were. It was like he was speaking to her instead of the character because he's a good actor. And it very much upset her momentarily, and she started crying. I stopped the camera because I was concerned. And suddenly she said, 'You didn't tell me the scene was going to be like this! I dropped my rate a $100! I should get more money.' Meanwhile, Sunshine is just sucking on Steve's dick saying, 'Shut up and let's get on with it.' "