Sunset Signs For Pleasure

Sunset Thomas has signed a two-year, twelve-picture-minimum deal with Pleasure Productions.

She's done features for Pleasure in the past, including Caribbean Sunset. But Pleasure Productions says they'd been unable until now to come to terms with the actress on a longer-term deal.

"I think Sunset has the personality that can fit with Pleasure and our entitites to promote them in the best possible way," says Pleasure's Mike Kay. "Typically, we sign contracts for six films, videos or features and that's it - not a time frame. She always liked working with our company, but we never able to come to terms. But we've done it now."

Sunset will also take part in some national conventions, including the forthcoming East Coast Video Show in Atlantic City early next month, and do some store signings and personal appearances around the U.S.

There was almost some controversy over whether Thomas was still under contract to Sin City, but Kay says Sin City dragged their heels on a contract, leading Thomas and Zack Adams to Pleasure.

"Originally, we had a four-picture deal with Michael Raven," says Adams of the Sin City situation to Gene Ross. "He didn't finish paying Sunset for White Rabbit. We tried to set things up, but Dave [Sturman] didn't come through. We gave Sin City more than enough time to come through."

Sin City's Mark Snyder counters that Adams is antsy about making things happen instantly, and that the studio did pick up a Raven-Sunset deal which just expired. He also suggested the Pleasure deal is mostly a financial move, in the wake of difficult times once Adams and Thomas lost their house. "(Adams) needs to do something very quick. They're in bad shape."