Students Hear It: Porn 'Destroys Lives'

Now the Southwest Missouri State University kids who attended the two-day Campus Crusades For Christ have heard The Word: Net and other porn "kills" relationships, "crushes" self-esteem, and is part of the kind of sex addiction that provokes self-loathing. They know because Assemblies of God campus ministry Chi Alpha, plus a man who almost raped a woman and a former stripper, told them so.

Say not the struggle naught availeth, Chi Alpha says: You can wash that porn right out of your hair (and anyplace else, for that matter) by authentic relationships with both real people and with God, who of course wasn't available for comment.

"Porn played a role" in his former life and his near-crime, said the almost-rapist, Steve McConnell, to the gathering, "but it wasn't the (only) thing. When I accepted Christ into my heart, he gave me the ability to change inside."

"We have friends that expressed they are addicted to porn," SMS junior Crystal Gann told the Springfield News-Leader. "It's an issue we don't understand and want to start learning about."

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