Strip Club Slips by Anti-Nudity Law with ‘Art Club Night’

A strip club in Boise, Idaho has found a way to circumvent a city law that prohibits full nudity, Reuters reported.

On what it calls Art Club Nights, the Erotic City strip club charges customers $15 for a sketch pad, pencil, and a chance to see completely naked women dancers, according to the report.

Reuters said that in 2001 the Boise City Council passed an ordinance banning total nudity in public unless it had "serious artistic merit" – an exemption meant to apply to plays, dance performances and art classes.

"We have a lot of people drawing some very good pictures," Erotic City owner Chris Teague, who has posted many of the drawings around the Club, told Reuters.

Teague said he got the idea when a customer asked if he could get in for free to sketch the dancers. Realizing that "art classes" were exempt from the law, Teague decided to bill Mondays and Tuesdays as art nights, and let the dancers go without their G-strings and pasties, according to the report.

In the two months since they began, Art Club Nights have drawn full crowds of 60 people but no police citations, he told the news service.