Stern to Promote Jameson’s J22 Erectile Enhancer - Jenna Jameson

Jenna Jameson has begun using The Howard Stern Show to promote her 100-percent natural herbal erectile enhancer.

For the next three weeks, Stern will be promoting theJ22 Erectile Enhancer as “the product that is considered the substitute for the expensive prescription drugs” and will offer free samples to his listeners while supplies last if they log on to

“Response in the first few days has been sensational and we anticipate giving away 100,000 packets of in what we’re calling ‘Jenna’s J22 Million Dollar Giveaway,’” said Kris Grdina, vice president for merchandising at ClubJenna, Inc. “Jenna and Howard go way back and he’s been a supporter of her career and business.”

J22 was introduced last fall on Jameson’s and is gaining distribution in retail outlets nationwide. Grdina said that J22 is the first in a planned full line of sexual enhancement products to be introduced by ClubJenna in the coming months, including a clitoral cream, intimate lubricants and other items to improve sensual experience. She noted that the Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated statements regarding J22, and that the supplement is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.