Sterling Sliver

Juliana Sterling's scene Monday evening with Herschel Savage and Brick Majors was called to a halt because of bleeding. Sterling's problems, as you'll recall, started at LAX. On top of all this, Sterling now claimed she was never given a return ticket from Mexico, thus requiring her to shell out for a ticket home when it was decided her presence was no longer required at the resort.

When Sterling arrived in Mexico Saturday night, she was already on the phone making plans to leave Sunday morning. But accommodations couldn't be made at the airport. Sterling decided she'd stay for several additional days. However, those later developments, according to Metro, prompted a series of schedule readjustments to push her back in the schedule to accommodate her. Sterling was finally set to work Monday afternoon when the bleeding incident occurred. We asked her about it with Quaserman present.

Sterling: "I was going to do a whole load of movies here. Metro was all happy with me until I got here."

Quasarman: "Yeah, because when you got here, you decided you wanted to leave."

Sterling: "That's because I was sick. Throwing up sick. I got sick. And there was a rumor going around that I was mad because my boyfriend wasn't asked here. That wasn't even it. I was throwing up. How am I going to do a scene if I'm all stupid and sick? Then there was a rumor going around that the reason I couldn't do a scene was because my ass was bleeding. Nothing even went in my ass. It was all softcore. As soon as that happened, it was like, I want another girl. I'm not shooting her. How unfair and rude is that? Herschel [Savage] would say let's do the scene what's wrong with you."

Quasarman: "Herschel's also got some gambling debts. He'd do a scene with a fucking donkey if we gave him one."

Sterling: The guys had no problem with it. It was the first one I shot [in Mexico]. I was supposed to have three scenes Sunday and two today, and they've just been jerking me around. I want to shoot a lot."

Sterling said it was costing her a bundle to leave Mexico. "It cost me $4 a minute to call fucking home. I'm on the phone 30 minutes. It cost me $135. I have a life. I'm not just out here, single, with no life. I just paid a $500 phone bill, a $130 for the cab [in advance] and $250 for my ticket home. And I didn't do anything. I came here doing my thing. I got sick, but I got better. I said I'd stay. I was going to stay and do all my movies, but they said they didn't want to shoot me. It was rude.

"I've been in the business three months," she continued. "I've done 40 movies. Gonzos, movies. I haven't done any interracial but I've done anal, d.p.; all that stuff. My boyfriend gets me more work than the agency I'm with. He gets on the phone and calls everybody. Jim South has got me two jobs out of the 40 movies I've done. Because I do anal and d.p., I get called. I'd love to work for Metro, but it's just not working out here."

Asked if she thought that the rumors were going to jeopardize her career, Sterling commented, "If a company doesn't want to hire me off rumors, they can go fuck themselves."

Michael Adams who directed the Sterling scene was asked whu happened.

Adams: "We booked her on the trip. She wanted to bring her husband. We couldn't put her husband on the crew. She comes down against her will, in her mind, because we wouldn't bring her husband. She came down, claimed she was sick and wanted to go right home. She didn't want to do scenes. We said, okay, fine. We changed the schedule. Then, as the day went on she realized she couldn't get a flight out right away, so she might as well. pick up some scenes while she's here. So, here, put me back on the schedule. When we're dealing with booking some 80-odd scenes, it's a very large task to do. We re-booked her, then she canceled again. She said she was going home again. Then she came back and said she was going to stay for at least two days. I said fine. Then she said she was going to leave Thursday. I asked her what's going to make you stay beyond Thursday? She said if she could be in the bukkake, she'll stay the whole trip. I said, fine, you're in. Today she was booked to do a scene, but because of the heat and temperatures, we running behind.

"When I finally latched up with her, she gave me nothing but attitude. She started walking away and said, I don't really care. She was belligerent. I asked her to go put on makeup. She was gone 45 minutes, came back, and basically we went down to the beach and she started complaining, complaining. She started bleeding, vaginally, That was not my fault. Two minutes into the vaginal intercourse she started bleeding like a stuffed pig The sun was dropping. I was losing the sunlight. I was casting about 25-foot shadows, so there was no way to shoot the scene. I said, at that point, let's just call the scene. Basically that was it. Then she came to you and started bad-mouthing us. When we had scenes booked for her, may she wouldn't bleed. But her excuse out there was she bleeds a lot when she has sex. Maybe I should have known this upfront. But I can't shoot that stuff. But we did everything we could. We put her in the schedule. We took her out of the schedule. We put her back in the schedule. We took her out. We tried to shoot her. She gave us attitude, and said she was going to go home."