State Senate

Support - This cigar chomping senate candidate is crusty and gruff. Not the most effective legislator, he understands the industry, and has told me.... "Without porn, the only thing I could do on the weekend is drink and gamble."

Shelia Kuehl (D) - Support - A Santa Monica Democrat, Shelia was the legislature's first openly lesbian candidate. As chair of the Assembly Judiciary Committee, she understands our issues and has worked to help protect sexual rights of both "our industry and her gay constituency."

Michael Machado (D) - (Support) He has introduced legislation on our behalf. State Assembly

Audie Bach (I-PF) - Support - Audie is in a class by herself. As the first Peace and Freedom legislator elected, she supports changes in the legislative process, but has asked me to help put together a voter registration drive using industry people from the Peace and Freedom Party. Additionally, she is very clear on Sexual Rights. We should donate to her campaign.

Robert Hertzberg (D) - Support - Being the new Assembly Speaker should be enough, but if it's not - he was upset that AB 726 passed (juice bar bill).

D. Steinberg (D) - (Support) Darrell and I are personal friends, having played softball together. As such, we've had an open door with his office, and we should support that.

Tim Leslie (R) - (Support) Openly thanked me in front of a committee and said "I may not like his cause, but I like his spirit." Mr. Leslie has had bills pass that enhance "privacy rights and protections" relative to the Internet. One bill enhanced protections for "on line workers."