Spallone and Kendra Respond; Spallone: "Bo Had Sex With this Girl at the Beverly Hills Hotel"

Rob Spallone says he's got no problem with the cyber shots being taken at him by Bo, but says what Bo is doing to Kendra Jade is totally fucked up.

Spallone: "The IRS is not after Kendra. Bo called her and told her he's sending all her W-9's to the IRS. You're supposed to send them to the IRS. The IRS is not after her. She owes $2,000. She's on a payment plan with them. How many people in this business have gone to jail or have been investigated by the IRS? Plenty. Anyway, not only is Bo a bullshit artist, he's becoming a rat. What is he going to do? Start rattin' people for the IRS

"With Bo's website I'm getting it in the ass. I have no problem with my picture being in there. Obviously Bo's art department is really horrible. The guy wasted money to do this and they did a really shitty job. To start off, he put up a picture of me getting it in the ass with my phone number. Then he put up a picture of Jim DiGiorgio, if you want drugs, call Blue Light Pictures. He put up Jim's company's name and phone number. The third thing that he did which is really fucked up, is he put up a picture of Kendra Jade, her address, and her phone number. I have no problem with me and Jim, but this girl had stalkers in the past. That was a big mistake. She will be going on Howard Stern on the 8th and will rip him a new asshole. The contract now he voided completely. He told you that he did not have Kendra's address, could not send her mail, this and that. Yet he's posting her address."

Spallone says he's got a girl who's ready to testify that she had sex with him at the Beverly Hills Hotel. "He picked her up in a Jaguar and she has the dates and all that," Spallone said.

Kendra: "Now he's got my name, address and phone number up on his new site. What was the one thing that everybody in the industry got upset about what Luke did? He was printing names. What Bo's doing is the most dangerous thing he could do. This is very scary, and all over a contract? To have some crazy lunatic come kill me in the middle of the night and rape me? People can say what they want, for the most part I've stated the truth and that's it. I've kept mostly out of it.

"The war has been between Bo and Rob. Let them deal with their issues. This whole thing with the tax evasion-thing, if that's the route he wants to go, it doesn't matter to me. I filed my taxes last year and I owed the IRS a certain amount of money. I've made payments to them every month. Then I moved and I didn't know how to contact them with the new address. I haven't given them the new address, but I'm paying the rest of my taxes off in full this month when I file my taxes. I owe them $2,000 more off of what I owed them last year. But I file my taxes every year and I'm filing them this year. He can report whatever he likes. That's fine.

"But the thing with my phone number is terrifying and not right - I would not put someone's life in danger. This is reckless. I don't know how to stop him from posting my information. This situation is ridiculous. I don't want to be in this contract. He says I want to keep this girl then says let's really do some harmful shit to her and see how she likes that. I want people to be aware that this is a dangerous thing. This thing is so blown out of proportion. Bo could have had a conversation with me yesterday but chooses not to. Then he hangs up the phone. This is a big childish game."