Some great gossip on the set of Lust World. Comments from Dave Hardman in the update.

Some great gossip on the set of Lust World. Comments from Dave Hardman in the update.

Ashton Moore writes: "Gene, I just wanted to tell you that you have a wonderful site here. Since I now live in Scottsdale, AZ. full time I like to read your gossip to keep me in tune to what is going on in the industry. Good luck w/everything and keep up the good work."

Help Save Radio Darklady

Darklady writes: "The future of Radio Darklady is uncertain. If you want to keep me on the radio, your opinions may be key.

"My co-host's staff position was recently cut and most, if not all, local content removed from the station's roster. The owner, however, liked myshow and felt I "made" it. There is some discussion about the show being broadcast on weekends. If you would like to see KGUY AM 1010 continue to carry Radio Darklady, feel free to contact the station and make your opinions known.

Local to Portland: 503-235-1010 \n Outside of Area : 800-636-1011

"I have an interview with Susie Bright scheduled for this Friday. My hope is to get the show back on track starting with this weekend and reschedule. Your help is deeply appreciated. I have a great line-up of future guests waiting in the wings if we make this happen. As always, thanks. Darklady "

A Long Lay's Journey Into Night

Scotty Schwartz writes: "Gene, This one's just hilarious!!!

"Earlier, Wed., Anastasia Blue was scheduled to work for Ray "No pre-production" Anderson. Her official call time was 2 pm. Ray told her that it would be "a long day", however what happened was just hilarious. After waiting around for get this!!! 9 hours... she finally decided to leave. Why??? It was 11:15 pm and they still had a sex scene to shoot before it was her turn to work. She was looking to not start working before 2-3 am, it was taking them 3 hours per scene. This is absolutly RIDICULOUS!!! They aren't exactly shooting the remake of "The Ten Commandments".

"The make up artist, the legendary Lee Garland had long since left, and her [Anastasia's] make up was a mess and her hair flattened in the mist of the Sunset hills air. The very lovely Brooke Hunter, along with hubby Ron Miller were just as patient, her call time was noon and she hadn't filmed a frame when Anastasia left. However it was getting semi-close to her time so she decided to stay. Her health however was fading as her throat was killing her due to the air, and her energy level was down as was all the actors who were there. She is a trooper!!!

"Anastasia was asked if she would like to remain there, or go home. She simply looked at me and said " Scotty, I am tired, I want to go home"! This is a manager's job, to protect the talent from people who feel that they can do whatever they want and screw the talent. Mickey G was standing right there when I asked her, so if you'd like confirm this with him. I am not there to cause a problem, I am only doing my job looking after the talent.! Yes, we were prepared to have a long day, however waiting 12 hours to do ANYTHING on camera is RIDICULOUS!!! And it was looking as thought it was going to be longer then that. Anastasia Blue is a professional, and expected to be treated that way, not that she is has an ego, but she was just tired of waiting, bored out of her mind. In fact, after we left she repeadedly said that she felt sorry for Brooke Hunter having to wait as well.

"Ray Anderson then proceded to get upset with the fact that we were leaving his set. He said "why didn't you come to me earlier, and not just leave now". Our response "Ray, it wouldn't of made any difference". This was a feature for Wildlife without....are you ready???? NO SCRIPT, NO OUTLINE. NOTHING!!!! WHAT KIND OF A MOVIE IS THIS?????

"For those people who want to sit on sets for numberous hours and do nothing but munch on some chips, god bless ya, however some of us have better things to do with our time, rather then sit on a set with our thumbs up our asses. We'd prefer to use our time constructivly! I am not saying do not work for Wildlife, I like Bobby, however Ray Anderson definitely could use a course in production 101.

"Ray, I know you won't like this, but the truth sucks. I know you don't like manager's, but that's because we see what's going on and we just can't take seeing our talent being taken advantage of. Enough said.Thank you, Anastasia Blue and Scotty Schwartz."

Gene sez: "We hope to get Wildlife's side of the story. Calls have been placed."

Bobbitt Gets Community Service in Clothes Store Heist Case

In addition to five years' probation and a $5,000 fine, John Wayne Bobbitt must also serve 100 hours community service for his part in a Nevada clothing store heist last year. Judge Archie Blake, the Churechill County, Nevada district judge who handed down the sentence said he was glad to get Bobbitt out of town. Bobbitt could have been sentenced to up to five years in prison and fined $10,000.

Bobbitt moved to Nevada in 1997 and worked at the Bunny Ranch. Twice he was accused of beating up a former topless dancer who was his fiancee while he was living in Las Vegas.

Bobbitt's been living in Niagara Falls, New York where he says he's trying to start a career as a comedian. Bobbitt said he would do his community service there, possibly as a volunteer firefighter. Judge Blake said he was concerned about Bobbitt serving that part of the sentence so far away, but added: "Quite frankly, I'd rather have him out of this community. New York seems like a good place."

Bobbitt told the judge he got caught up with the wrong kinds of people. "I got caught up in my own personal greed until my conscience told me better," he said.

The Subject is Feet

Dr. Susan Block writes: "We had such a fantastic time at our first Foot Fetish Salon that we just have to do it again before we change the art here at the Speakeasy. So… Dr. Susan Block & the Bonobo Gang invite you to another fabulous


An Erotic Collection of Real Feet & Foot Art Featuring the Exquisite Foot Art of Ed Fox, David Heckman, Tony Ward, Julie Carlson, Glenn Campbell, Doug Johns, Lars Stewart, Deborah L. Jones, Frank Razor, Charles Grant, Roland Charles, Joseph Franklin, Tom Zimmerman, Ron Overmeyer, Jolie Barrie, Ray Cirino & more.

Speakeasy Gallery Art Curator: Kim Mendoza plus FooTSex, FooTTalk, FooTMassage, FooTPlay, FooTTickling, FooTWorship, FooTPerformance, FooTMarinating, FooTFood, FooTSquish, FooTWear, FooTSucking & FooTSie

THIS SATURDAY EVENING September 18, 1999, starting at 8 PM at Dr. Suzy's Speakeasy In the Sole of LA. $85 per couple or single male / $35 per single female includes Buffet, Drinks, Demos, Dancing, Mini-Seminars, plus Valuable Gift Bag with Dr. Suzy's Best-Selling Foot Fetish Primer Video (a $29.95 value) & Other Choice FooTSie Goodies!

For Tickets & Information Call: 2 1 3 . 7 4 9 . 1 3 3 0

This event is co-sponsored by Don of Instep Magazine & Sol & Julie of Solletico Publishing. If you are with the press and are interested in reviewing this exhibit, the first Foot Fetish Art Exhibit in the world, please call Kim at 213.749.1308.

Cameras Uncovered During Canadian Brothel Raid May Have Been Used for Blackmail, Internet

Police are investigating whether a Toronto brothel which was raided last Thursday used hidden cameras to blackmail its customers.

The Peel Regional Police Department's morality bureau said officers found a john and two prostitutes in the middle of a sex act. They also found the place infested with tiny cameras, hidden in lamps, lights fixtures and motion detectors.

Alleged brothel owner, Timothy Mark Robinson, 34, was arrested along with the john and the two prostitutes, who were charged under Canadian law with being "inmates of a common bawdy house."

Police said they're continuing the investigation to see if Robinson used video recordings to blackmail unsuspecting customers. Police are also investigating whether videos of hookers having sex with johns were transmitted over the Internet on computer equipment found at the scene. Police said no blackmail charges have been filed so far but are encouraging house patrons to come forth and testify if they've been approached about blackmail. Police said no repercussions will be taken against patrons.

Incriminating Photos Lead to Rape Arrest

A man Virginia who allegedly videotaped and photographed himself having sex with his unconscious girlfriend has been charged with rape. Zachariah Connelly, 22, was charged by police after a drugstore clerk turned an obscene roll of film over to police, spurring an investigation, authorities said.

Connelly was arrested after police determined that the photos brought in for developing were of him engaging in sexual acts with an unconscious woman.

"The drugstore clerk felt that the photos were obscene and realized that the woman was unconscious," Fairfax County police said. "That seemed suspicious to him."

Police said Connelly had somehow rendered his then-girlfriend unconscious in order to take the photographs. A video was also taken. Connelly is being held on $50,000 bond. The victim, a 20-year-old female, was not identified.

"She was completely unaware that the photos or the video had been taken," police said. "It's clear from the photos and the video that she was unconscious the whole time."

LYNNE LOPATIN writes: "Dear Gene: You might want to clarify that in porn people seem to threaten each other with violence over nothing, and threaten violence very casually. Otherwise the authorities will continue to hold the position that I brought that gun intending to do violence to David rather than protect myself at night. I want to make it perfectly clear that although men in our industry often make horrid threats to one another, I am not threatening David Hardman, have never threatened Dave Hardman, and never will.

My opinion is that Dave Hardman is as iconic to modern porn as John Holmes was in his day. Dave Hardman deservedly won a "Male Performer of the Year" award a couple of years back. After spending a few hours with Dave on a slow set, I was convinced that he was a porn star for the ages; after experiencing David's talents first hand, I was ready to commit resources toward a video project which would showcase his special abilities, as we shall discreetly call them.

Why would it bring me "no solace whatsoever" to know that Dave Hardman is making a movie? He's a valuable commercial property and I want him out there and working as long as that's what he wants to do. I'm making a movie about how David's special place in the porn industry is, not about how he's unemployed (fortune forbid).


Lost In A Lust World

Okay, so it was a matter of phone translation. The title of Heatwave Platinum's latest epic is Lust World, not Lost World as originally reported. But the concept's pretty much the same. It's got dinosaurs, cannibals, naked girls, anal and special effects. For-real ones.

Lust World was shot at Gallagher studio Tuesday afternoon on a set where one is overcome with a compelling notion to say umgawah. Someone obviously pulled a midnight prop raid at Trader Vic's, and the only element missing is Tom Cruise tending bar and making the drinks with the little umbrellas. Jim Powers directs Lust World, and pick-ups are scheduled for Friday around rocks, caves and the beach.

Powers points out a huge dinosaur head sitting in a corner of the studio. "We had it hooked up with fishing wire," he relates. "We had it snapping. We poured lube all over it, so you had the saliva dripping. The first thing we shot, we had them [the cast] come running in a cave with a dinosaur head snapping at them like Jurassic Park. Then what we'll do is cut to miniatures - with the stop motion. We also got a brontosaurus in the movie where somebody's going to sit on a brontosaurus tail.

"The set here is the cannibal village," Powers says. "The story is that three people survive a ship that wrecks on its way to Hawaii. A typhoon throws them off course to an unchartered island where there's dinosaurs. Like King Kong. But everyone on the island has to get buttfucked because it's an all-anal movie."

Barret Moore, Nikki Anderson, Jewel Valmont, Leslie Renee, Cheryl, J.J. Michaels, Joel Lawrence, Dave Hardman, Kyle Stone, Nick East and Mickey G. star. According to Powers, Hardman plays the witch doctor, a fact that will be of no solace to Lynne Lopatin whatsoever. And there are about 10 cannibal "extras". "It's a classic," muses Powers who says that all of the extras come from the bukkakes. "The best talent in porno is coming from bukkake."

Powers introduces f/x guy Eric Sloan who specializes in making prosthetics, sculpture work, action figures and what-have-you. "From Power Rangers to Lust World," Powers says by way of introduction. Sloan said this was his first freelance job doing effects work. "Usually I'm working on big crews doing Power Rangers. I've done some small effects works for large companies and this is my first solo job doing my own thing." Sloan's company is Desert Hawk Designs.

The Candy Apples Gangbang Shuttle

Jim Powers updates the game plan for the Candy Apples gangbang, October 9. "I'm going to have two separate locations - one location will have a skateboard ramp set up, and we're going to have bands playing to bring in the crowds," Powers says. "We're also going to have an in-house AIDS testing center right there. Get your test. Half-an-hour. That way we'll have a lot of walk-up traffic. So we get everybody showing up there. They're going to take the gangbang shuttle. The actual gangbang will be here [the Gallagher studio].

"It will be an industrial set," he continues. "The idea is even if we have to go 24 hours straight, we're really going to set a record on this one. Candy's just going to keep on fucking. We're just going to keep on shuttling them in. When we wear them out, they're out. We send them back for refreshments and keep on bringing in people." Powers says he hopes to have a couple of thousand people when all is said and done. A porn star kissing booth will be set up and other porn regalia will be sold.

"It'll be a Gen-X gangbang," he says. "It's like a Lollapalooza - a pornopalooza."

Johnny Toxic Gets Married; Loses Pants

Now that we don't have Kid Vegas to kick around anymore, somebody's got to take up the slack. Consequently, Johnny Toxic reports that he'll be on Howard Stern October 4. Toxic also got married over the weekend. "I got chased out of Vegas by the police," he says. "I had a wedding ceremony with fans from New York. I had sex with the bride's maid, lost my pants in Vegas and have all kinds of other stories."

Interpol Checking Out Link Sites

David Lang of Oliya Productions in Great Neck, New York issued the following press release:

"This is an urgent message to be released to all publications whose readership deals with adult material.

"I am a producer of Adult Videos. I work with a model agency in Eastern Europe. They had a Web Site. On their web site were several links to other adult web sites. One of these links lead to a site that supposedly had bestiality on it. Another link lead to a site that supposedly had underage models. Both links were in other countries. The owners of the model agency had absolutely no relationship to these other sites.

"In August, based on the contents of the links ONLY, Interpole and the local authorities arrested the owners of the model agency and all of their employees for Child Pornography, and crimes against nature. They confiscated all records, equipment, possessions and monies. One of the owners has been released awaiting court, the other is still in jail. I know these men - the only thing they are guilty of is adding these links to their site. All Web Owners should be forewarned - they may start becoming responsible for what is on sites that are linked to theirs!

"Even worst! My understanding of the situation includes the facts that the authorities are using the agency's records to investigate all producers of adult materials that are on the agency's records. Based on the business associations with indicted child pornographers, as far a field from the truth that this indictment is, this very thin excuse will be used to investigate American and European clientele of the agency is a VERY REAL threat!"

When contacted, Lang said he was "horrified" over the situation as it was occuring. According to Lang, the modeling agency being investigated by Interpol is Logos out of Riga, Latvia. Lang's video company, Oliya, has been doing business with Logos which has provided models for Oliya's various lines like My Midlife Crisis. Lang says he specializes in fresh faces and Oliya was coming up with the freshest of the European stock in modeldom. Outside one or two scenes in his first few releases, Lang says he's been shooting most of his stuff in Latvia.

"They provide models mostly to European production companies," Lang notes. "One of the partners is still in jail. One just got out. They did have a modeling website [authorities closed it down - Lang wasn't positively sure what Logos' URL had been], and on the bottom of the site it had a couple of links to adult sites in Germany and the Netherlands. According to Interpol, if you opened those links to whatever sites, there were pictures of bestiality and underaged models.

"Whether they were having sex or not is not clear. But based on that, they were able to get warrants and walk into the offices [of Logos] and lock everybody up. Interpol had gone through all the paper work, and I was one of the American companies they were asking about. I was in Logos's computer records as one of their customers for the modeling agency. I do know that there were some other American companies that he was working with as well.

"I know these guys very well," Lang adds. "I know they were absolutely very careful about not doing anything that would get anyone in trouble. I'm very adamant about that, and I know I haven't done anything as far as working with anyone who's underage. The important thing is that Interpol is able to make the case about having something on your website that is completely unrelated to you but links to something questionable.

"Obviously there's countries where it's not illegal to have bestiality; and there's countries where you only have to be 16 like the Netherlands. In Latvia, 16 was the legal age to do porno videos. I wouldn't do anything like that because I wouldn't be able to sell it, so everyone I worked with was over 18. They only changed the law from 16 to 18 in January of 1999.

"This has scary implications. What concerns me, and what should be of concern to the AVN readers is that a lot of them have websites, and linking to someone with a questionable site in the Netherlands could be the basis to come and invade offices here in the states. That is a very big problem."

Lang said that he hooked up with Logos via the Internet.

Midori's D.P.

Though Midori couldn't work out her dream d.p. deal to have both Rocco and Sean Michaels pound her in the ass [mainly cause they have their own companies], she got the next best thing. Midori's going to have T.T. Boy and Mark Davis clear her cavities. Midori says she's worked out details with Patrick Collins at Elegant Angel. "T.T. has always been my favorite performer to work with," Midori says. "I love his animal magnetism."

Midori also notes that she's working at Sean Michaels Productions. "Office maintenance," she calls it. "Well, I'm not emptying garbage cans," she adds, realizing the implication of the word maintenance. Midori says she's also going to be doing a project for Michaels but can't talk about the details.

Dave Christopher then called to say Midori worked for him this past Sunday in the American Cocksucking Championships 2. "The main event was Anastasia Blue against Midori," Christopher said. "This was Midori's first movie since January. I called it a draw. It was a tough decision to make. I got booed. People thought Anastasia won.

"Midori took three cocks in her mouth, puked once, almost choked a couple of other times. But Anastasia took on this guy Jack Napier with a 16-inch dick. Anastasia's eyes were turning different colors. She also took on Billy Dee's [Larry Flynt's bodyguard] 14-incher. She was phenomenal. Her eyes were turning in her head. It was unbelievable." The semi-final was Bridgett Kerkove against Czarrina, a new Russian girl.

Deelicious Accepts Her Million Man Assignment

If ultra busty Deelicious Milano isn't feeling particularly delicious, she's got at least until next April to ready herself for the Million Man march [gangbang] up her wazoo. Deelicious says she's up for it and ready to give it a go. "I haven't done a movie in about a year. I'm ready," she says. Deelicious says she's passing the time dancing and keeping her home life and personal life going. She wants to go back to school, too. She changed her major and has been accepted at USC she says. Deelicious has a year of law school under her belt but has designs on switching majors so she could ultimately become a chiropractor. "I can help everybody stand up straight and walk right," she says. "You're healthier and happier when you're standing up straight." Someone should tell her a handjob's a lot quicker than taking all those classes.

Getting Comped

Becca Five writes: "Hey, Gene! Are you getting financial compensation to write Luke Ford's column? If not, you should be. He just takes big chunks of your gossip and slaps it into his! I should have such a tough job."

Gene sez: "Cutting and pasting is not the easy task you think it is."

Lynne and Dave - The Partnership Years

Lynne Loptatin writes: "Hi Gene: Please amend your coverage to note that not only have Lynne and Dave been involved in a relationship, Lynne and Dave are involved in an unfinished movie. We started shooting the end of June. If I can wrap it next week in a day and a half, it will represent a Casino Productions' investment of $19,992.00 plus a few more post-production costs.

"'Relationships' aside, this is the issue. I am the producer and director on this movie and had good reason to pursue Mr. Hardman further when he stopped returning my calls.

"If David did this to Jim Powers or Rob Spallone, they would be extremely upset. David would be at fault. But because I have had sex with David (along with about 3,000 other women) I can be fucked with? He can treat me, as a producer and moviemaker, differently because I am a female?

"Maybe it is because I am a female that I'm not mouthing off about how I'm going to 'kill' David. Regards, Lynne."

Gene sez: "That would end the relationship on a slightly sour note."