Soccer-Mom Sex Store Gets Blocked

Ambiance, an Ohio adult store chain with eight stores, most of which are located near shopping malls, has had its out of state expansion plans squashed. rn rn

City leaders in Monroeville, Pennsylvania claim the company violated a zoning ordinance barring sex-oriented businesses from operating in commercial areas. Ambiance had attempted to place its ninth store near a shopping mall in this Pittsburgh suburb.rnrn

Ambiance claims "soccer-moms" as a customer base. Their entire marketing image is based on that demo: the sales staff is entirely female, the only adult videos they carry are instructional videos for couples, and their radio campaigns feature the slogan, "The Store for Lovers."rnrn

"We really want to be near the mall, where Mom shops 10 times a year," Jennifer Downey, president of Ambiance, said. "And we want them to feel that it's normal."rnrn

Monroeville begs to differ. rnrn

"Does this sound sexually oriented to you: Cyberskin Cyber Suck?" asks Monroeville Solicitor Bruce Dice, reading from the company's website. "Here's another good one: soft rubber cockring set. It goes on and on." rnrn

Dice says Ambiance is free to sell whatever it pleases, provided it locates in a manufacturing district with the rest of the sex shops. rnrn

Ambiance has already sunk about a quarter-million dollars into building the store and is defending its right to exist. Ambiance is appealing to the county and has filed suit in federal court, citing First Amendment protections. rnrn

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