Smash Pictures, Penthouse Boutique Utilize New DVD Preview System

In an effort to better serve the customer on the retail level, Smash Pictures’ parent company Horizon Media has just added the newest technology to its Penthouse Boutique store in Connecticut.

In a deal with Four Winds Interactive, a leading designer of software and hardware innovations, Interactive Media Stations are being placed inside adult video stores allowing customers the ability to preview digital video clips of the latest titles before purchasing them.

The concept goes further than the successful method utilized by the music industry that has placed listener stations within the CD stores allowing customers to preview their favorite bands which leads to impulse buying.

“Elite adult film labels now have an easy way to differentiate themselves from the endless parade of box covers that crowd shelves at retail. FWi is building a nationwide promotional network that movie labels can utilize to more effectively launch new titles making sure that they get noticed at point of decision,” said David Levin, president of FWi.

The Interactive Media Station is simple to use and allows the consumer to scan the bar code of a DVD pulled off the store shelf and quickly watch the movie trailer on a 15-inch video screen that will help them to make an impulse purchasing decision.

Currently, Smash Pictures has close to 20 titles available for viewing on each machine where content is uploaded via the Internet from the FWi headquarters located in Denver, Colo.

Retailers can create an interactive preview destination within their stores that can easily be updated to reflect current hit titles, consumer preferences or even in-store sales specials.

FWi said it has built a strong relationship with Smash Pictures and is currently working deals with leading adult companies to provide more commercial coverage where plans are to place these viewing stations in stores across the country. Retailers can purchase the machines from FWi.

“Shoppers often feel uncomfortable asking for assistance from retail store clerks and this gives the customer a more Internet-like experience in the comfort and convenience of their favorite store,” Levin said.

Smash Pictures is one of the first to get into this system as just about every popular title is marketed with a trailer.

“We have had great success with the Smash Pictures Website where we offer a photo gallery and movie trailer with all new releases. This has really helped us increase our sales and this new situation with Four Winds Interactive will allow us to connect even better with our customers who like to purchase DVDs in stores,” said Smash VP Stuart Wall.