Sin Spin, Skin, And Carly Milne

Former AVN Associate Editor and Metro Pictures publicist Carly Milne has hung out her own shingle, launching Sin Spin, a P.R. company for Porn Valley and beyond.

Milne had been on sick leave from Metro Pictures when rumors began circulating that another publicist, Jamie Liszeuski, had been hired there. Rumors abound in this business, so when no call came from Metro confirming this, Milne didn't pursue the matter. "But a number of people then approached me, asking me to rep them independently," Milne told, "and things snowballed from there." Sin Spin; PR for X was born last week, after she learned of her replacement on

Confusion aside, Milne feels generously toward her recent employer. "I wish Metro the best in its future endeavors," she said.

Milne has been a professional writer for thirteen years. In addition to Sin Spin, she maintains a porn gossip site, Pornblography, and writes on-the-set pieces for Club magazine.

Milne already has two big clients and is currently negotiating for more. She'll be announcing new additions within the next two weeks. "I want to keep my client list small," she said, "because I'm just one person. I want to keep it personal." She is currently designing campaigns for Andre Madness' Madness Productions and a Boston-based sex store for women, Grand Opening, that will be launching a West Hollywood branch within the next few weeks.

Keeping it personal is very important to her. She says that she doesn't want more than one kind of client at a time. "I can't be repping two women as 'the greatest porn star in the world," she said. "I want my words to mean something."

"There is more to the sex industry than just porn," Milne said, alluding to the P.R. for Grand Opening. She is also talking with an erotic novelist about representation.

Milne credits her tenure at AVN for teaching her the ropes of the adult industry. "I was a porn neophyte before coming to AVN," she said. "There is no better education about the world of adult than AVN, (and) working at Metro allowed me to take what I learned (editing other people's press releases) to write good ones."

Milne feels poised to bring something new to the porn P.R. landscape. "I want to redefine what P.R. is for adult," she told "I love the opportunity to be creative on open terms.

"When you're working within the ideologies of a company owner or a studio, sometimes (they're) not open to switching gears. (But) being a freelancer gives me the ability to suggest new things.

"Everyone I've talked with or signed is open to going a different route than the tried-and-true."

Milne maintains that she loves porn, but that "America is uptight about sex."

Does the Edmonton-born Milne feel that her Canadian heritage can jackhammer this country out of its repression?

"Being a Canadian has nothing to do with it," she said. "Being a pervert does."

Sin Spin and Milne can be reached at Sin