Sharon Mitchell's World...And Welcome to It!

Sharon Mitchell looked lean and lithe in her AIM tank top as she paused for a break away from the tumult of Hall A of the Sands Convention Center. The Adult Expo has been tremendous for her and her AIM Healthcare Foundation. The words tumbled out. "We've gotten thousands of dollars in donations," she exclaimed. "Before the show we were averaging 88 tests a day for five days straight. And that's not counting tests by mail" (from AIM's network of clinics across the country). "And I've done 24 tests today already." (AIM's mission never stops, especially with hundreds of porn stars and shooters in the same place at the same time.) When not working the public at the AIM booth, Mitch has been working out in her hotel gym. She told us that February 11 is her big day, when she finally gets the doctorate in counseling for which she's been toiling for years. After that she plans to take a long island vacation.