Sharon Mitchell Responds

profit organization set up to serve the industry, so, whenever there's a gangbang, we handle in accordance with the Board of Health, various procedures and protocols that go along with gangbangs. You have a lot of people, not all of them are our own regular talent guys coming in and working with one of our girls. Again, we're mixing the general public in with one of our folks.

"We only test people for HIV. Everyone comes here and gets their HIV test. We double check and make sure whatever the window period is. With Sabrina Johnson, I believe, she wanted a 21 day window period. AIM Healthcare provided the staffing to check the validity of the tests and window periods to make sure no one got passed with an old test.

"We also provide all the condoms and lube. A standard protocol that we've been using and will probably continue to use in the future is sanctioned by the Board of Health. They come here on a regular basis. We in fact faxed them our protocols and they're well aware of how we handle the medical protocols for the fluffers. What we do is this. We test the girls for chlamydia, gonorrhea and STDs. Upon doing the test, we premedicate them. It's called prophylactics protocol. What it means is, it's a preventive, cautionary premedical protocol. In other words, we dose them the day before, the day during and the day after. It's a very small amount and it will wipe out anything so that the girls cannot get or give any STDs, be it gonorrhea of the throat or anything that they'll be doing.

"This is standard practice, and a very precautionary tactic and sound one. We give out very standard antibiotics to make sure the system is clean so that the girls don't get anything. Dr. York writes the prescriptions. Someone from AIM Healthcare goes to Dr. York's office to pick up the prescription. We go ahead and give the person the prescription and protocols. Yes, this can cause nauseousness. She [Porsche] might have taken it without food, she might not have followed directions.

"All the fluff girls got the same prescription. Now, in terms of mobile blood units, we do mobile testing services all over Los Angeles and in some cases Orange County. We are certified phlebotomy technicians. This means we're licensed to obtain and transport blood specimens.

"A lot of the people didn't meet the window period that Sabrina Johnson wanted. Since it was a two-day shoot, and we have a 24 hour turnaround, we drew some blood specimens there on the set just like we do when we go to VCA or Vivid or Extreme. We found that our mobile testing really helps with people that would maybe work without a test or go without work. I did test some people there which is perfectly legal to do and brought the specimens back here and made sure their tests were ready for the next day so they could work.

"This is a practice that we've been doing for a long time. I'm really tired of doing a great job and getting nothing but picked on by someone [Rob Spallone] who I think their feelings are hurt and is taking me on as a target. I know that he, and his dad Joe, and Dr. James Bonura and Bill Margold and myself and Dr. Rosie Lepley and Dr. George Boros and Elena down at the 10 Minute Test Center and Dr. Zablon and Dr. York all put our heads together and worked to choose a test.

"I'm terribly sorry that Rob is bitter and angry and feels that he can't call me and request to look at our policies or our programs and stop these tattle-tale tactics to the press. It's very distressing, particularly at this holiday time when talent members have been overdosing, that have broken hearts or are suicidal. It's the holiday season. We're wading through everything but HIV and herpes. We have real work to do here. When I reach out to him and Zeboray who I call my critics, and try to extend myself for friendship, I get laughed at and called names. I don't want to start the new millennium with enemies. The industry is too damned small. I think we can all work together. When I go to sleep, I know I'm being of service. My side of the street is clean.