Shane Signs First Contract Girl

"I'm nervous. I've never done this before."

Shane's saying this as she attempted to park her black Mustang in an itty bitty parking spot behind a diner. You could draw the natural conclusion that Shane was talking about parking cars. But she wasn't.

Shane had just signed her first contract girl - a 23 year-old platinum kewpie doll named Sky. Sky looks an awful lot like Heather Locklear, but Sky didn't seem to be turning cartwheels about the Locklear comparison.

And, okay, so maybe Shane's a little bit nervous about the Sky situation and the fact that Sky's her first contract girl. Maybe she should be, for other reasons. After all, this is the same girl, who, for shits and giggles, just freaked out a couple of mainstream east coast magazine writers, recently, by running around a house stark naked wearing a strap-on. The other girl, of course, was naked too. The easy coast magazine writers were wearing clothes.

Shane: "She [Sky] will do anything to shock you. She reminds me of me and Yvonne, and that frightens me a little. But I thought that it would be cool to have a contract girl. So, my fans can't be bad at me anymore for not being in videos. I'm bringing them Sky."

Shane says it was actually Billy Glide who discovered Sky dancing at the Spearmint Rhino in Rialto. ["I've always been an exhibitionist anyway," says Sky. "I'm an awesome dancer, but don't write any bad things about me or I'll cry."]

Glide apparently saw the Shane-thing in Sky and reported back to Shane.

"I can't keep up with her," says Shene. "She's a wild one." [Must be, because Sky's already being 'stalked' by one of the male performers in the industry whom she met at a Oscar De La Hoya pay-per-view party a couple of weeks ago. Sky wouldn't say who the "stalker" was.]

Sky: "He [the alleged stalker] hasn't left me alone. He wants me to go away with him somewhere on vacation. Just the two of us. Somewhere in Hawaii. He said he would make it [the relationship] publically known." She giggles as though she wouldn't mind if he made a few more things public.

On the flip side of Fatal Attraction, Shane readily relates to the manner in which Sky came to her attention. In fact, that's how Shane, herself, got her start in the business. As opposed to the Seymore Butts' fairy tale that's been told over and over again until it's become part of the folklore of the business.

Shane: "You mean you're not buying that story about me coming with a videotape to the airport? What, that's not good enough for you, anymore? He [Seymore] saw me at a dance club. I didn't even know he did videos. I moved in with him, and then he had to tell me what he was doing because he was shooting that day. He [Seymore] was shooting the black girl Toy, and I remember he went out to go run errands. He told me if anyone calls to give them directions. Next thing I know there's a knock at the the door. It's Toy. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do. Toy asked me if I knew who she was doing that day. 'No, don't you?' I asked.

"I lived there for a few weeks watching him shoot. Then he was approached by some CD-ROM guys to make interactive CD-ROMS. He needed a girl for a scene that required five different pop shots. It sounded like fun. I wore a wig and sunglasses. That's the boring story. The other story is much more fun."

After a five-year run as a performer Shane said she decided to quit.

Shane: "I had a relationship in the industry, and I got to have THAT experience. I didn't like it. I didn't want to have another. I did Shane's World for awhile, then I met Bobby my husband. I didn't want to have another relationship in the industry, but I didn't want to let him go, either. I had to make decision on what I wanted to do."

According to Shane, the Sky signing doesn't indicate a rush on contract girls. "We'll have our hands full." Sky has just finished doing Shane's World 17, which is supposed to be out the beginning of April.

Shane: "When I started doing Shane's World I never thought I'd do 12, much less 17 [volumes.]

But having Sky is making life more interesting and Shane's World more interesting - and Slumber Party more interesting. Sky will be taking over the Slumber Party line. She'll be in charge of it all."

Sky's debut on the Slumber Party line will be in May. Shane admits she was annoyed, at first, about other video lines duplicating her 'World' style. "They'll never be able to do exactly what I do," she says. "Let 'em try. I don't care. I should be flattered."

Shane says she was scared to death when the responsibility of a video shoot [Shane's World] was first put in her hands.

Shane: "It was horrible. Volume 1 [was done in a motor home]...there was no hook-ups, no nothing. There was no electricity, no water. I couldn't have made it more difficult. I don't know what I was thinking. I thought it wasn't going to come out good and that everyone was going to laugh at me and that no one was going to like me anymore. Worst of all Adam [Seymore Butts] pointing his finger at me, laughing. He's the one that scared me so much. He told me I would never pull it off. I would get eaten alive.

[Butts says that if you take a look at the end credits on Shane's World, you would note that Shane thanked him for his help.]

Butts: "She called me up during the filming of that. She told me she was in trouble, and I offered any help I could give her. I camera'ed a scene for her which I know was the best scene of the movie. She was grateful at the time. Did I tell her that she'd have a hard time? Absolutely. Did I think the distribution business was going to be very difficult for her? I did. But she has money partners. That's a little bit different than being your own distributor and having to come up with money to do it."]

Shane: "It [Shane's World] was a stressful shoot, and I hated it while I was doing it. But everything that went wrong made for an awesome movie. But I've got it down, now. I don't worry about the bloopers. I keep them in.This isn't made to be taken seriously. It's supposed to fun, a no-brainer. Everyone does their own thing. It's a party. I provide the booze."

According to the terms of Shane's deal with Sky, Sky's being paid per scene against a certain guaranteed amount of scenes per month. She'll also be picking up profits on the Slumber Party line, according to Shane.

Shane says she had to act quickly on the Sky deal because Vivid and Wicked seemed to be real interested. Other video companies, apparently, were sending scouts who'd come into the club and tape Sky dancing.

The Elegant Angel name also gets tossed into the conversation as another interested party that seemed to be on the verge of signing her. Sky says she was getting all kinds of unsolicited advice about signing with Wicked, that she would get more publicity.

Shane: "If she [Sky] went with another company, she'd have to wait soooo long to have her name established. We shoot it, and it goes out right away. Anyway, I have to be on guard, now. I have to watch her [Sky's] back. She's going to get a tattoo on her that says, 'Property of Shane.' "