Shane Enterprises Plans DVD Release Party

Shane Enterprises is having a DVD release party on January 24 for Shane's World #32: Campus Invasion the title that garnered the production company national publicity when news leaked that the tape was shot on and near the Bloomington campus of Indiana University. rnrn

Calli Cox, Bella Donna, Malorie, Evalyn, and Mr. Marcus will represent Shane Enterprises in the VIP room, where the porn stars will mingle with the press and industry before presenting a live show at midnight. rnrn

In the main room of the club, house music will be spun by Nice People DJs, Petey, and Dan Levine, while on the patio DJ Five Star will spin hip-hop. rnrn

The DVD release schedule was ramped up for this title to take advantage of the enormous media attention the video received. "We're really at putting (Shane's World) #25 on DVD, but we felt the need to get #32 out faster because of the buzz on it," Calli Cox told AVN.comrn rn

"The demand at retail has been so strong that we felt it necessary to jump on it as fast a possible," echoed Jeff Mullen, director of marketing and publicity at New Sensations, the distributor of Shane Enterprises titles. rnrn

Another promotion intended to help promote sales of the title is going on this month at , which is holding a contest that gives away a variety of Shane Enterprise schwag including t-shirts, posters, videos and DVDs.rnrn

The DVD will be a two-disc set and will include extra party footage and behind-the-scenes footage. The DVD version of Shane's World #32: Campus Invasion will street on January 28.rnrn

The DVD release party will be held at Las Palmas, located in Hollywood at 1714 Las Palmas Avenue. The party will begin at approximately 10pm. rnrn

To be placed on the guestlist for the event, call 323-467-1791 or email .