
- Just a note of possible interest - Seymore Butts' potential partner in his HBO project is quite a formidable figure. If memory serves, Anna Sims-Phillips co-authored, along with TV journalist Mike Taibbi, the definitive book on the sad Tawana Brawley scandal, a few years back.

The young African-American teenager Brawley, who had stayed out and partied against the wishes of her parents, especially her abusive stepfather, concocted a wild story that she had been abducted and raped by white cops and a white district attorney, and then dumped near her home two days later, half-naked, her clothes torn, smeared with feces, and with the letters "KKK" written on her body by her purported racist attackers. Her story and her cause were immediately embraced by her racist attorneys (both since disbarred) and the eternal race-baiter, the Reverend Al Sharpton. The case became a cause celebre, until Brawley's story unraveled.

Taibbi and Sims-Phillips, who was then his producer, were the key journalists who broke the story, and wrote the superb book "Unholy Alliances" about the experience. The title refers in part of course, to the unholy alliance between the perpetrators of the vicious racist fraud, and the mainstream news media, who helped to perpetuate a story that should have been discredited much earlier than in fact it actually was. When you consider that Sims-Phillips is an African American woman, her level of smarts and guts should be immediately apparent. We all know that the adult industry is rife with bullshit; not to mention characters who stir up shit just for the hell of it, or for its dubious entertainment value. I think it says a lot about Seymore that he looks like a viable partner to an experienced journalist, producer, and documentarian with a record of courage at the near-hero level. Let's wish them luck. Randy."

Gene sez: "Randy, being the gentleman and scholar that you are, I must also take you to the remedial reading woodshed. Sims-Phillips is not Seymore's potential partner in an HBO project. She is following Seymore and Alisha around, apparently for a 20/20 special."