Sexual Allegations Against Magic After Alleged Greektown Rubdown

According to the Detroit Free Press, Detroit police are investigating allegations that retired basketball star Magic Johnson inappropriately kissed and touched a massage therapist in a downtown hotel last September.

A 32-year-old woman told police that after meeting Johnson at a party, she agreed to give him a massage in his hotel room at the Atheneum in Greektown. After a three-hour session, Johnson kissed her, rubbed himself against her while wearing just a T-shirt, and made sexually explicit comments, her attorney said.

Attorney Lee Turner said he will file a lawsuit against Johnson once damages are determined. The woman is seeking therapy. In addition, the woman is fearful she might have contracted HIV from Johnson, who has the virus that causes AIDS. Turner said the woman has tested negative for HIV.

"She's very upset about it and traumatized psychologically," Turner said.

Johnson could face criminal sexual conduct charges if police think there is enough evidence to present prosecutors with a warrant request. The woman gave her statement to police Monday. Police also want to interview Johnson, who lives in the Los Angeles area.

Turner, the woman's attorney, gave this account of what occurred Sept. 29:

The woman had attended a concert at the Fox Theatre, which was promoted by Johnson's music-production company. After the show, she and a girlfriend were invited to a private party at the Town Pump Tavern in Detroit, where she was introduced to Johnson.

The two talked for a few minutes and the woman mentioned that she was a massage therapist. Johnson told her he had a knot in his neck and asked if she would give him a massage. Later that evening, the woman gave him a massage at the Atheneum, and he paid her $300.

As the woman picked up her belongings to leave, Johnson supposedly stood in front of her, and after telling her to close her eyes, allegedly thrust his tongue into her mouth. The woman pushed him away, but Johnson,. according to her testimony, touched her and made sexual comments.

Turner said the woman did not tell anyone about the incident immediately, but was finally persuaded by a friend to get a blood test and seek an attorney.