Sex-Blog Network Announces 24-Hour Membership

SexNotWork, the first sex-blog network, is due to launch in late February. The network is a collaboration between Sam Sugar, whose background is in mainstream magazine publishing and the adult industry (about which he blogs at SugarBank), and Paul Scrivens, founder of the blog network 9rules, whose Whitespace blog propelled him onto the blogging A-list.

“SexNotWork is going to bring back all the fun, sophistication, and quality to onscreen sex that Paris Hilton has drained out of it,” says Sugar. “We’re looking for bloggers who understand that networks are the best way to organically build links and traffic. Limiting the application window is a move that’s worked well in the past and will reward people who are as excited about SexNotWork as we are.”

SexNotWork will offer bloggers exposure and community while it enables advertisers to reach hundreds of thousands of readers over many blogs from a single point.

“Sex sells,” says Scrivens. “SexNotWork is going to connect smart, educated, sexy people with smart, educated, sexy blogs. We know that people interested in cars, politics, and gossip also like to read about sex. SexNotWork is the first network to make sexuality its central theme and the first to assume sex-curious people are as likely to read The New Yorker as the New York Post.”

Says Sugar: “SexNotWork is capable of attracting more daily readers than any other blog network. Sexuality is an eternal part of human nature. Why else are so many people in cave-paintings naked? Sex is our most fundamental drive, and unless it suddenly goes out of fashion, SexNotWork is guaranteed a sizeable audience. We want to change perceptions, promoting blogs which demonstrate that sexy needn’t mean stupid, erotic needn’t mean explicit, and graphic needn’t mean gross.”