Secure E-Mail, Trafficked Discussion Groups Coming from Pathlink

A new anti-spam/anti-virus custom e-mail solution and a service infusing trafficked discussion groups are being offered by Pathlink Technology.

The e-mail solution, which the company calls SpamHippo, is designed to offer Website operators easy, inexpensive, secure e-mail to their users, without increasing overhead or operating costs, Pathlink said announcing the new solution. The overall cost, Pathlink said, is $5 per e-mail account.

"Adding custom email is one of the quickest ways to build loyalty and encourage active website subscriptions" said marketing director Joe D'Alessandro, Director of Marketing at Pathlink. "SpamHippo is easily incorporated into any password-protected site, and provides access to email through a customizable web interface or traditional email software such as Qualcomm Eudora, Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express."

Pathlink said the company handles the SpamHippo data processing by way of their hardware infrastructure, letting sites bring secure e-mail through their own domain while protecting the end user from unwanted spam and dangerous viruses. It also operates without burdening local bandwidth and "spares Webmasters the need to operate and manage local e-mail servers," Pathlink said.

Webmasters can set up global settings regarding address books, sender assurance, virus protection, recipient verification, custom spam filters, and sender queues and filter logs, the company continued, with the service able to be activated 24/7 at the SpamHippo Website. It requires no technical expertise and only a few minutes' setup, Pathlink added, with Webmasters having full control through a Web-based administrative area.

Pathlink's new NewsKabob service will bring Webmasters a way to bring in 30,000 highly-trafficked discussion groups to their sites' existing designs, with members enjoying thousands of picture and video postings every day and relieving Webmasters of the burden of satisfying content-hungry users' demands, Pathlink said.

"Adding content is one of the best ways to build and retain customer traffic at a website" D'Alessandro said. "NewsKabob is easily incorporated into any password protected site, and provides web access to a global discussion community offering over 800 gigs of multimedia content and postings each day."

Here, too, Pathlink's hardware infrastructure handles data processing, letting sites bring more content and sustain voluminous traffic without burdening local bandwidth. Webmasters can set the controls to customize newsgroup selection, create new newsgroups, modify user connections and download limits, track usage, enact firewall protection, and even facilitate DMCA reporting to protect copyrighted materials, the company said.

"For as little as $75 a month," D'Alessandro said, "NewsKabob offers a cost effective way to dramatically expand content, increase customer traffic, and gain a competitive advantage over other Websites."