Scotty on Ed

Scotty Schwartz, Vivian Valentine, Kelsey Heart and Bridgert Powerz were guests of Ed Powers on his Friday night Bedtime Stories radio show.

One of the subjects was rough sex, and Bridget Powerz said she didn't like those types of videos. "I don't like it for one reason," she said. "It gives men the wrong impression of what women are like. Men are like dogs. Women are like cats. Women like to be stroked and they tell you how they like it. Men just like to be picked up and thrown on the floor and wrestled around. I know some women like it rough, and I think they say that because that's what their exposure has been to. I think most women are just like little pussycats. They really want to be stroked and rubbed and carried and held."

Powerz was asked if she thought most men admire women or watch movies for the effect of rough housing. "Men just get the wrong impression of women altogether," she said, "and because they do, that's why movies like this are made. I think it's really sad."

Kelsey Heart who has appeared in rough sex videos said, 'People look at adult films as the guide of what sex should be like. I think sometimes it's a misconception."

"It's not a guide it's a fantasy," Bridget Powerz added. "A lot of people take it the other way. Men go out and treat women like that, and the women get used to it, especially if they're younger. They're exposed to being treated like that, and they grow up thinking that's what it's like, that it's normal to have multiple partners and what not. They feel something's missing inside. When they get older and they're with a guy who treats them right they realize it, they go oh oh."

Ted a caller-in from Costa Mesa begged to differ. Ted said his current girlfriend loves it and the girlfriend before that was crazy. "She would tell me to bite her nipples, and I thought they would come off in my mouth. She'd want me to just smack her."

"There a difference between rough sex and degrading sex," Bridget Powerz replied. "I love rough sex. Degrading is where men are taking advantage of the women, and you can tell on the women's faces that they don't like this - that they're getting smacked and hit and getting things put up their butt, and they didn't expect to pee'd on. That's degrading sex."

"That's what their whole thing is about," agreed Kelsey Heart. "- it's not about making women look beautiful and sensual and sexy and allowing them to express themselves in an intimate fashion." Yet, Heart acknowledged there are some days when "I want to be grabbed and choked and spanked and have my hair pulled. Some days I just want a guy to take control and make love to me."

"I don't think women like a speculum put in their anus," Schwartz added.

Ed Powers asked Schwartz how he differentiates a manager from and an agent.

Scotty: "I'm out in the field every day and all the agents stay in their place of business, their office. I'm running to companies showing the moviemakers, producers, directors, production managers the pictures of all my girls, telling them their rates. I'm constantly promoting them, helping them set up their websites. For personal problems 24 hours a day they can call me. The list goes on and on and on.

Kelsey Heart: "It's more hands on. With an agent that has so many people, sometimes you get lost in the mix. Having Scotty as a manager keeps me more singled out with a small group of girls." Heart said she's done about 80 videos. Vvian Valentine said she's already lost count of the number she's done.

Rob, a caller-in from Fountain Valley told a story of how he answered an ad two years ago in an Orange County paper advertising for adult actors and actresses. "Being the big Ed Powers fan that I am," said Rob, "I said I can do this.

"On a lark I went down there. This was in Anaheim. There was a good-looking Asian girl there. I filled out an application and things went pretty cool." Asked if he had a portfolio, Rob said he didn't but was told by the people they'd do one for him for $80. "They said we'll have a tryout to see if you could actually do this," Rob related. "They finally called me saying they have a situation where they would film me with a girl. I went down there. It was a waiting room with a whole bunch of guys. I finally go in there, and there's this beautiful Asian girl named Jade. They filmed a scene with us." It was the consensus of opinion in the studio that Rob had been had. "It was a website, my friend," said Schwartz.

Rob then said he got a phone call two weeks later from the Anaheim police department. "Apparently this place got busted," said Rob. "For $80 it was worth what I got. But this cop saw my video. Was this a legitimate place? Or did it get busted for another reason? Or was it a scam?" Rob then answered his own question by quoting police as saying the place got busted for pimping and pandering. "But for $80 it wasn't the worst thing in the world."

"You should have gotten paid and more than $80," said Kelsey Heart. "There's no such thing as a tryout video."

Ed Powers: I think it's weird when someone says to a girl, let's see what you can do. Of course you know what a girl's going to do. Nobody should ever say that."

Kelsey Heart: "I learned sometime ago that if someone tells you that you need a portfolio and you need to pay for it, it's not legit. It's the same thing as being in the adult biz. You walk into an agent's office. They take some polaroids. That's it. You don't pay a fee. You don't have to buy a portfolio. They send you out and you get paid. You don't have to try out."

Scotty: " For some of the girls in the business, when they go see a manager or an agent and have sex for free and get video'd or have pictures taken and it ends up on a website for free, that's wrong."

Bebe, a male caller-in in Carson told about the time an older woman took him back to her house on the pretense of giving him a massage, took him to her home gym, tied him to a weight bench and proceeded to slap the shit out of him. "She slapped, bit and kick the hell out of me. That was the first and last time we did anything." Bebe said he consented to having sex but not having the shit kicked out of him."

Valentine was asked about her experience in Rough Sex. "Everything was explained," Valentine said. "I walked out of there black and blue from my thighs to my eyes. My rear was black for a week. I couldn't sit down. It was an experience. I got a bonus and a huge bouquet of flowers but it was one of the roughest things I'd ever done and it did push me to an emotional edge. But it was something I needed to get out of my system."