Scatman Witrock

"Those Real Brown showers may come your way"...Oow Jolsen

True to what e-mailer Jane Doe said earlier today, Bill Witrock, [] alleged mastermind of the peecam, is now working on a mail order series titled Real Brown Showers devoted to women of the fecal persuasion.

Witrock: "I have my Golden Showers series. I sell that through the mail. I've been working on Real Brown Showers. It's been taking forever. It's not an easy thing to get girls to agree to do that. I've been working on it eight months, maybe more. I got 11 girls. I want to get at least 12 or maybe 15. I'll edit it alltogether and sell it through mail order. It's essentially the same as the Golden Showers, only the girls are taking a dump. You haven't lived until you see 18 year-olds pinch a loaf...these all have different little scenarios, like the Golden Showers. I have Tera Patrick peeing in Volume 1 of the Golden Showers. It's kind of a colletors' item now with Tera being so hot this year. The premises are the same. The girls show up at the house and nobody's home. They pound on the door. They're jumping up and down. They have to go to the bathroom. They look around. There's nobody in the yard, so they squat down in a cat litter box."

G. Ross: "Being a regular kind of guy myself, how do you get someone to crap-on-command?"

Witrock: "Very difficult. It's not an easy thing. It's taken me almost a year to do this. We try to find cute girls."

G. Ross: "By forcing the issue, aren't you risking hemorrhoids?"

Witrock: "They come over when they have to. Sometimes they use a little suppository-thing that melts in there. They all have a cup of coffee, a cigarette and sit around. I've had girls sit around for hours. I've had girls come back several times trying. I pay them for their time so I hope they're happy with the money. I've been in this business 15 years shooting. This is the most difficult assignment I've ever taken on."

G. Ross: "And hazardous, may I had."

Witrock: "I've shot so many production stills on scenes with anals where the guys pull their dicks out and it's horrible. The dicks are covered with shit, and it stinks. I'll tell you the truth, I've gotten to the point where this is just part of the deal. It's not something I look forward to, to be perfectly honest. But the same thing is going on in shooting a d.p. I've had some girls make some really bad messes while they were trying to shoot an anal scene. In fact, believe it or not, a girl just having a normal bowel movement, is actually not as awful as a girl who's had an enema and has had two guys ass fucking her for an hour, and of a sudden, she has an accident."

G. Ross: "Your toilet paper bill must be a killer."

Witrock [laughing]: "Yeah."

G. Ross: "Two-ply or four-ply?"

Witrock: "We're an all-Charmin place here. We find it tends to work the best."

G. Ross: "Any high-profile names in this?"

Witrock. "I'll tell you one thing. Tera Patrick's not in it. I don't want to name names right now. I'll do that when the tape comes out, but the girls are all cute and they're all the same caliber as the girls that are in my regular series which is known for having nice-looking 18 to 20 year-olds. I've really been picky in the girls that I shoot doing it. There are some that refuse to it, obviously. It's been an ordeal. But I have such a large following with the Golden Shower videos, that it should be easy to sell them the Brown Showers. People that like girls' bathroom habits will buy all of it. Hopefully, when it's done, it will be worth all the hassle."

Witrock says the underneath views are particularly popular with the guys and he has some of those shots in Brown Showers.