Say Boo to Censorship

Gloria Leonard reports: "Approximately 35 people showed up for the Free Speech Coalition's "Say Boo to Censorship" five mile Walkathon Sunday, helping raise over $5,000 - can you imagine how well we might have done if most of our industry's sorry, apathetic personnel had participated?!! Clad in bright orange t-shirts emblazoned with "SAY BOO TO CENSORSHOP" or sexy black tank tops with the writing in reverse orange, we strolled down La Cienega to the Flynt Building and back up to the Hustler Store, with about ten handsome Beverly Hills motorcycle cops as our escorts. Of course, the whiny weasel known as Luke Ford showed up with a Canadian documentary film crew and few chose to speak with them, declining to enable any project that Ford is attached to.

"All in all, a great way to spend a few hours, mix and mingle with our peers and help raise funds. A special tip of the tit to Rayne, who is tireless in her ability to support meaningful causes! She showed at 9am - where were the rest of you?"