Save The Wilde Life

Kym Wilde almost sounded like the Pope begging forgiveness for the Catholic Church and its 2,000 years of mental hijinx. During the course of a conversation with Wilde, she said she was sorry for having offended anyone during her Redboard Video days and sincerely dreads the loss of heaven and the pains of hell. Wilde didn't exactly say it in those words, but if she were in a confessional with the Pope listening to her sins, she might have. The conversation actually switched gears because Wilde called originally to talk about the Christopher Alexander interview on this site last week. Wilde says she's seen Anabolic's Rough Sex and would have voted for it for a specialty award; Wilde also says she was scheduled to appear in an upcoming Rough Sex video, that is, until the series got pulled.

Wilde: "Around the 9th of March you interviewed Christopher Alexander [of Anabolic Video]. There was something in there about Duck Dumont and what he said about Anabolic. I just wanted to agree. I thought that Christopher's videos were very good. Actually I think they're just as good as Redboard's. The thing that makes them just a little bit different is that they have sex, and we don't - which I found in Christopher's line to be very erotic. It's one of the few movies that I actually really jerked off over. I thought it was highly erotic and wanted to give it a high review even though it's not being reviewed anymore. I love this. It's so real.

"In fact right after the AVN Awards show [in Vegas] I was wearing an Anabolic sweatshirt. I think they should have won [which they did in specialty], the only problem is their movie was in a category all of itself. It was an odd category. Of course I'd root for Redboard, but if I were a judge I probably would have leaned more towards that video only because of the fact that there was sex. Again, it was an unfair advantage.

"In fact, I had talked to Chris and I was actually going to do one. I was going to have sex not with a guy but with a girl. But that's when everything got cut off. In the scene I was going to be giving the guy orders and slapping a girl around and doing a girl-girl scene. This was going to be my first sex scene in I don't know how many years.

"But because of our own videos, half the talent hate me and half the talent like me. In our videos, they're never tied down. They can always leave. But they stay there then complain afterwards. Actually, I feel for both sides. Because I was talent, too, I know what it feels like. But I don't think anyone was forced to do anything. I know I haven't forced anybody.

"I'm looking for work but I'm really kind of stuck in a hard place because I'm half talent and half behind the camera. So I'm not really accepted by either side. To tell you the truth, I think there's a lot of negative feelings about me because of the videos I've done for Redboard. I was the one who actually did it. It was me who was doing the acting. No one told me how hard or how rough to be. But, basically, I didn't intentionally mean to hurt anybody."

G. Ross: "Some people took it seriously?"

Wilde: "Oh yes. Oh yes. There are many girls who hate me and I really want to greatly apologize, especially to Katie Gold, there was nothing personal. I would love to do videos again. But I won't do boy-girl. I don't think I could yet even though I love having sex with guys in front of people. But I think it would be hard to hear people tell me how to do it again."

Wilde says she's been in the business since about 1989. "If they induct me into the hall of fame, I'll shoot myself," she laughs "I was always one of those low-key kind of people. I never went way out there. I loved having sex. One of the things that I regret having switched to fetish is that I got too involved and stopped having sex. I do miss it. I don't mean this in the bad sense to anybody, but it's so much easier just being like a bimbo. Here I got this reputation for being a mean person which is kind of a shame."

G. Ross: "And it's a shame because no one wore black pumps better than you."

Wilde: "I would love to do sex scenes, but, gosh, it would be great to find talent that would work with me."

G. Ross: "We'll start a campaign...the hire Kym Wilde campaign."

Wilde: "I'll start auctioning myself off on Ebay. I'm getting to that point."