Saturday, October 23

bukkake interview, had this to say: "First of all, I met a really cool guy down here [Angelo from Detroit]. I'm very stoked."

G. Ross "Detroit? Hey, that's like next door. That makes for easy dating."

Houston: "He's really wonderful, really cool. I wasn't expecting that all. I had a really wonderful trip. I got to meet a lot of people in the business that I don't get a chance to be around as much. Like a lot of the women. I really found out this week who my friends are. There were lots of them. There's lots of love out there. I'm really pleased."

G. Ross: "I noticed Thursday afternoon when all those guys were rooting up your ass that there was lots of love out there. So, first of all, what happened to your big toe?"

Houston: "One night I got a little intoxicated and was drinking something called Moonshine. Like Mexican Moonshine. I don't think I've ever been so messed up in my entire life. I banged my toe on something. I don't know what."

G. Ross: "As the story got out, you and Mark Davis got in some altercation, that you hauled off and slugged him, and he ripped off your toenail."

Houston: "We got into a confrontation. I got a little out of control. I believe that I kind of slapped him across the face. I don't know why. Because I love him to death. It was not toenail-related. The toenail I did by myself."

G. Ross: "What happened during the bukkake? Did you have heat exhaustion?"

Houston: "My gosh. That was the morning after my episode the night before. I was in this wetsuit that was incredibly hot and there were these sand flees biting me. And Mila decided she had to do the honors on my face. The goggles didn't work very well. And it just got all in my eyes. I couldn't see. It was like a river coming out. It started out where I couldn't see. My eyes were all puffed up. I couldn't open them for about two hours. It was interesting. I'm glad I did it. It was fun. I think it's so extreme. I find myself getting more as this extremist. I think it's working for me. I somehow managed to pull it off with a smile. With a bang.

"I met some really wonderful people, here. I love this business. It's hard. There's a lot of crap with it, but for the majority of it, I'm really blessed."

G. Ross: "What's the story with you and the prom guy?"

Houston: "We went Monday and shot the Blame Game for MTV. That's why I actually flew out later to Puerto Vallarta. He spent the night at my house. AGAIN. And he's just a cutie. I think we'll always remain friends. I'll see him again in November. I'll be in New York dancing. I think his mom wants to make me dinner."

G. Ross: "What was that whole thing in Vegas? I heard that you two had a fight."

Houston: "I got annoyed. I did. He got annoying. He was just so needy, and didn't know anyone and I had my Houston Channel with me. I just had all these cameras, and I was tired. I'm always working. The last thing I needed was him. He didn't even feed himself. He lost like two pounds on the trip. I was tired of being the mommy. I work hard as it is. But we're still friends. And I'm sure I'll go back on Stern in November when I'm there.

"I'm also going to be doing a calendar for the Year 2000. I've got to give that done in November. I'm still plugging away. I'll be going to Berlin in two weeks for the big show there. Lots of good stuff.

"But I'm really glad I came here. I met so many wonderful people. I had a really good time, and I wouldn't take it back for the world. I was not looking forward to coming here. I travel so much. It was like, I don't care if its Mexico. I'm constantly on the road. The last thing I want to do is be on the road. I just bought a house. I'd rather be there."