Sasha Gabor Heisted

In a story that sounds like something straight out of Who's On First meets Pulp Fiction, Smokey met the bandits Monday morning, and the bandits apparently got away with over $2900 in cash. Burt Reynolds lookalike Sasha Gabor says he got a $2,000 advance from Gabor at Heatwave to shoot scenes in Estonia. Sasha is flying to Finland Monday afternoon to attend a four-day sex expo and was planning to shoot some scene while there.

Gabor: "Gabor at Heatwave asked me why did this [the robbery] happen? It happened because I was so elated, that, after 17 years in the business, finally somebody trusted me to accomplish a job in a foreign country. On Ron Jeremy's recommendation, and because I'm a good Hungarian, I got the money from Gabor. I'm going to Finland. Gabor gave me a $2,000 check to film scenes for him in Finland or in Estonia where they have an abundance of very beautiful young girls. It's only a 45-minute hydrofoil ride from Finland to Pallin, the capitol of Estonia. I'm flying into Helsinki for a four-day porn convention with Kylie Ireland.

"But at this beautiful community where I live, there is a guy who says he's Sicilian. Anyhow, I'm so elated with the advance, I go to Bank of America and cash it in and keep the cash beneath the pillow. Well, this guy who lives here, at 3 am knocks on my window. 'Hey, Sash, Sash, can you open up the window? I need to talk to you?' I said I need to sleep, what do you want? He says open the door. I open the door, and there's a gun to my head. He makes me go down face on the floor telling me to give him the money. I said I don't have the money. I left it in the bank because I needed to convert it into Travelers' Checks - which I intended to do but didn't want to pay the fee. But I was going to do that this morning [Monday.] I had a total of $2,950. The Sicilian guy brings in this other guy. The other guy says if you don't give me the money, I'll shoot you. I said I don't have the money."

Gabor: "The Sicilian guy kind of looked through the place and looked under the obvious place, the mattress. That's where I had it and was robbed. The police came minutes aftwerwards. A helicopter was flying overhead looking for the guy who disappeared into the night."

[Gene becomes Sgt. Joe Friday.]

G. Ross: "You say the Sicilian guy lives at your place?"

Gabor: "This is a commune, and our 'spiritual leader' who I call slum lord takes in any misfit - people here sleep on the floor; they sleep on the sofa; they sleep in the garage. There's like 10, 11 people and one kitchen and one bathroom. I have my private bedroom and I do have my private bathroom. But the guy who lives at my apartment apparently knew I had the money and got a buddy and said let's get this guy."

G. Ross: "There were two guys that robbed you?"

Gabor: "Well, one lives here."

G. Ross: "But there were two guys involved?"

Gabor: "Yeah - one who lives here and the other one. Because our slumlord, our spiritual leader, takes a fuckin' penny, he rents like a cage, like a doghouse and rents it out so people can sleep here. That's the kind of spiritual leader he is. So I'm out of the $2,000 that Gabor gave me. I did an interview with a Finnish magazine who came to watch me shoot a scene for Gabor this past Friday, and they paid for the interview and the opportunity to see me in action. They paid $500 cash plus I took $500 out of my bank. Now the money's all gone. Because I thought Gabor was going to shit when he hears this, I already asked my mother in Norway for money. Basically, I'll owe my mother."

G. Ross: "The cops got there around 3 am?"

Gabor: "Around that time, a few minutes later. The Sicilian guy said I didn't know this guy was...come on, moterfucker; you were the one who knew I had the money, you were the one that had the good idea where this was hidden."

G. Ross: "They got the guys?"

Gabor: "No. The helicopter was overhead. The police cars were out here... Ronnie [Jeremy] said why did you flaunt that you had the cash? I didn't think that somebody would come into my room at 3 am with guns in their hands. That seems far-fetched. I wasn't going to give him the money. If he doesn't get money, why would he shoot me. That's Murder One. He has a rap, but he doesn't have a dime in his hands. I said we can go to a Ready-teller. I can take out $300 right now, but it was obvious he wasn't going to march me down the street with a gun in his hand. The guy in my apartment kept saying, 'I saw he had the cash.' Guess what? The police come. The guy had a warrant from North Carolina, but North Carolina doesn't extradite so they take him down but they release him."

G. Ross: "I'm losing you. Who are they taking down?"

Gabor: "The Sicilian."

G. Ross: "They got the guy?"

Gablor: "No. The other guy robbed me. It's the guy who lives here that went to him and said let's rob Sasha and split the loot. Of course the guy from the apartment in front of the police said he didn't know I had money."

G. Ross: "You said the guy in front of the police, that's telling me they caught him."

Gabor: "No, the Sicilian guy lives here and tells them the other guy was going to shoot him if he didn't tell him where the money was."

G. Ross: "Okay, one guy got away."

Gabor: "The other one lives here and says he's innocent. How can they be so stupid to say that he's innocent. Obviously, because he knows there's money here, he's the one that led the robber here."

G. Ross: "Two guys came into your room.."

Gabor: "One lives here, and we he knocked on my window and said I want to talk to you, I went, fuck, what do you have to talk about three in the morning. Then he came around to the front door. The next thing is I have a gun to my head. The other guy did it, and he's the one that left."

G. Ross: "The other guy stayed?"

Gabor. "Sure. Because the cops came, and he said he didn't know anything about it."

G. Ross: "Somebody else called the cops, and the cops showed up?"

Gabor: "No. I called the cops immediately."

G. Ross: "You called the cops in front of the guy who just robbed you?"

Gabor: "The guy who robbed me had gone. The other guy was here but went out to the living room. That's when I called...all I know is $2950 is a helluva lot of money for me. One guy got away. The other one pretended he knew nothing about it. How can the cops believe him."

G. Ross: "It just didn't make any sense how one guy took off and the other stayed then denied the story...that is very bizarre."

Gabor: "More than bizarre. I think the police handcuffed him for awhile as an accomplice to a robbery, but then the guy talked his way out of it. I don't know why the police didn't take him in."

Gene sez: "I'll tell you why - because it's porno! Nothing in porno makes sense. In any event, a police report was filed."