San Diego & San Francisco Support Voter Registration Drive

According to Mike Ross, San Diego & San Francisco Cabaret owners, managers and entertainers last week voted to support the NCA's Voter Registration Drive.

In San Diego, the point was driven home when six entertainers in attendance raised their hands admitting that they were not registered. However, they registered during the meeting.

"It's important that our industry show its strength by registering employees, entertainers and vendors," Peter Luster, California Cabaret Association President said. "We need to make sure we are prepared for campaign 2000".

Additionally, the San Diego group discussed "How To Write A Letter" and announced their support for AB 1446 by pledging to have entertainers write letters of support. It's expected that the San Diego effort will raise 250 letters, as part of the 1,000 needed to help pass the bill.

In San Francisco, the owners also supported the Voter Registration idea, with one owner deciding to expand it to other states, specifically Washington. Finally, both groups announced support for and agreed to help promote the site.