Sacramento ordinance foul-up

Mike Ross reports: "Two weeks ago, Sacramento Cabaret Owners were notified that The City of Sacramento was going to take up an anti-adult ordinance on Tuesday, 5/16/00. The ordinance establishes 6 foot setbacks and outlaws nudity. nnThe notice came from the "biased" detective who was "conducting the negotiations," yet his "memo" omitted 3 major details. nnFirst, the city overlooked the following: not only did they have two ordinances (not one), but the material was slated for a hearing on the 5/9 agenda. The third and final error appears to be that the detective sent out the notification, without coordinating with his superiors, and was highlighted by a one word typo that came back to haunt him. nnWe found out about the surprise hearing and the "additional ordinance" on Monday at 3 PM, and were told that they were hearing it on Tuesday, at 2 PM. What was the most surprising is that I met with the City Manager's Office to discuss amendments with 2 of his deputies, and they themselves didn't know it was on the 5/9 agenda. nnDuring that meeting, we stressed that the secondary effects report we created (using our Guide), shows that other places in the city have higher health and criminal problems, but the city was not moving against them. nnSacramento's problem is the fact that the 2 largest gay clubs, had more "sexual assaults and crimes" than anywhere else in town, except the Greyhound bus station. With these facts on our side, the ordinance was put over for 2 months, and we've scheduled 3 dates to discuss amendments.