Sasha Gabor posts the following cyberchat he had over the weekend

Xxx sashagabor: hope you read the e-mail from me, re filming tomorrow.12 noon, Tujunga.

X Bad Gadjit X: oh thats cool. where in tujunga \nXxx sashagabor: cannot revea street address to you till you have phoned. \nYou are welcome to be there with your boyfriend to watch it! \nXxx sashagabor: reveal \nXxx sashagabor: that's the best offer you two are EVER going to get! \nX Bad Gadjit X: i dont have a b/f! \nX Bad Gadjit X: know...just give me the street \nX Bad Gadjit X: oh and i found my pic \nXxx sashagabor: OK, what is B/F???? cannot give you the street till you phone OR, let me phone you! Send the picture, thanks \nXxx sashagabor: sorry, I figured it out: BoyFriend \nXxx sashagabor: XXX-XXX XXXX \nXxx sashagabor: If you don't have a B/F, who do you want to do a video with? \nX Bad Gadjit X: no iam not going to call until u just give me the streets name. just a friend \nXxx sashagabor: cannot do it.your picture is sweet, but fuzzy! \nX Bad Gadjit X: then iam not giong to call \nX Bad Gadjit X: oh i know a freind who wants to get into the porno industry..he said if u can to call him \nXxx sashagabor: you piss me off! I am the one doing YOU and/or your friend a favor. I don't call a guy for nothing Tough! Why can't you call me? are you shy...or??? \nX Bad Gadjit X: no. i just dont wanna. \nXxx sashagabor: Ok, buhbye \nX Bad Gadjit X: why are u leaving? \nX Bad Gadjit X: okay......just to let u know iam only 16 \nXxx sashagabor: cool, glad you told me and don't fool anybody like that. I could do serious time in prison for this shit!!!!! In two'll be legal!! \nX Bad Gadjit X: lol. its okay ive already been in a porno with my friend. \nXxx sashagabor: it is NOT okay! It is highly illegal! not for me thanks \nX Bad Gadjit X: lol. its okay ive already reported u tto the police! \nX Bad Gadjit X: bye! \nXxx sashagabor: you are sick!