A fellow seeking relief from his controlling girl friend finds solace on the Web site of one of the nation's top adult video stars and her husband, and they told the story to The Jerry Springer Show Tuesday.

Kim Chambers and her partner-husband Scott Styles, who operate Kim's Pleasure Chambers online, appeared on the controversial talk show segment called "Sexy Secret Lives," supporting a young man who spent time on their Web site's live sex segments as a periodic escape from his domineering girl friend.

"Basically," Styles tells AVN On The Net, "the guy seemed real cool. He told us about his controlling girl friend and all, and we told him (online) if you're ever in L.A. look us up, and we met him. He seemed like a really cool guy (who) just needed to get away from this girl friend. There's better ways to live."

Styles says he and Chambers played "how we as a porn couple, having a Web site and live sex on the Internet, had this effect on one guy's relationship with his controlling girl friend." Styles says the girl friend had no idea her boyfriend even knew, never mind had any kind of friendly relationship, with Chambers and Styles until she learned during the show's taping.

"He finds (Kim's Pleasure Chambers) liberating," Styles says. "(His girl friend) couldn't sort of break out of character. She told him he's making a stupid decision, they won't show you the right way, stick with me, all of that. But we told him there's another way than being a slave to a girl friend. We do what we want, we have fun, you found us, all we're saying is, there's a better way than being held captive."

The only drawback, Styles says, was the Springer show trying to stretch even a slightly surreal reality "a bit".

"Even when we thought it was all set up and going to go the way we hoped it would go," he says of the show, "it still got stretched."

It apparently also got edited out in the wrong spot, says Lysa Stone of AstralOcean, in whose Skin 17: Succubus Chambers and Styles appear. Chambers herself wasn't available for comment Tuesday morning but was expected to talk about it later in the day.