Zöe \nVAN NUYS, CA - Sin City Video has signed Zöe to an exclusive, 12-month film deal, Sin City chief Mark Snyder tells AVN On The Net. The company hopes to have her first Sin City feature completed by the Christmas holidays and released next January.

"We're talking probably no less than six (films) and as many as ten," Snyder says. "It depends on her schedule."

Zöe is fairly well known on the live adult entertainment circuit but a comparative unknown on film or video.

"She's extremely versatile," Snyder says. "She's extremely capable, she's been compared well to Savannah, and she's really a perfect compliment to our line of performers."

He says the deal was done last Friday, after discussions over a short period of time. "Our directors, Zöe, and our other staff felt we can go a long way together," he says.

Director Michael Raven is now working on two or three projects Sin City is examining with Zöe in mind, and the target for completing at least one of them will be late November or early December, with a hoped-for January release.

"She's a kind of new commodity since she has so little if anything out there on film," Snyder says. "So we're excited there as well as just having her."