Sex and MP3 (the controversial computer music files) were fighting it out in a recent review for the top spot among search words on the Internet, according to the newest issue of Playboy.

The magazine's "After Hours" column says while those two search words duked it out for number one, Playboy itself remained among the top ten, while a slight shock was "bestiality" coming in at number 13, while "Tour de France" came at 25 and 26.

And the number 100 search word deployment? "After Hours" says it's a tossup between "job" and "f**k*.

In between, the column says, "big tits" beat out "Microsoft" (64 and 65, respectively), with "The Simpsons" (66) right behind. PlayStation, though, went slightly ahead of "masturbation," at numbers 81 and 82, respectively.