The City Council wanted to shut down the Stardust Ranch. Mayor Robert Miller vetoed the vote last week. The reason? Safe sex, apparently.

This Nevada town of 5,000 once hosted a three-block row of brothels. Now, only the Stardust remains. And Miller vetoed the council because he thinks brothels provide a place for safe sex, according to the Associated Press.

He may not be alone. "I can't recall one instance in all those years of the 'line' giving us one instance of trouble," said one 86-year-old resident to the AP. "But TV and the computer can bring filth right into your house."

And Miller is likely to prevail. Ely law means it takes a four-member council vote to override his veto, but the two council members who voted against closing the Stardust say they won't change their votes.

Other Stardust supporters pleaded its tourism appeal and the economic support by way of money spent in town by the women who work at the brothel.

Those who backed the Council's bid to shut the Stardust down say officials not only can but must legislate morality. Councilman Stuart Tracy's wife, Joette, said Ely has tolerated "this negative part of town" for long enough.