Sabrina Johnson OCEANSIDE, CA - Sabrina Johnson has tested negative for HIV, meaning Gang Bang 2000 - her scheduled New Year's Eve live Internet broadcast in which she'll try to make the gang bang record unreachable - will proceed as scheduled. "I am just thrilled," said a jubilant Danny Carelli, head of Fleshtone Video, who is producing the event. Johnson spent most of the week on a temporary work quarantine list in the wake of veteran adult star Tony Montana's positive HIV test last week. She had worked with him in early September - an oral sex scene - but the Adult Industry Medical HealthCare Foundation, which supervises and helps conduct HIV testing for the porn business, took no chances. Johnson's clean bill of health means only Aurora remains on quarantine from having worked with Montana recently. She'll have to wait out the entire thirty-day window period before she's cleared to work again. Johnson's negative test result means that three of her most recent work partners - Alex Sanders, John Strong, and Brandon Iron - will come off the temporary quarantine, says AIM spokeswoman Sharon Mitchell. "I was walking around all week and thought safes were going to fall on me," says Carelli of Johnson's dilemna. "I was nervous for her. I was nervous for us. I don't like hearing things like this, it's one of the parts of the business I hate." He says Gang Bang 2000 will require condom use for participants and will consider testing by AIM only. "You've got to be careful, we don't want our talent pool infected," Carelli says. "Others take risks Fleshtone would not take. I agree with all the big companies, they do it smart, too. I couldn't live with myself if someone got infected and it was my fault."