Russian Adult Industry Explored

The mosquitoes were everywhere on the outdoor set of porn producer Sergei Loginov's latest film. A man grilled shashlik while Loginov and his associates shot a softcore scene for an adult film at a fenced-in woodsy campsite in the Moscow region.

"They're terrible," Yulia, Loginov’s wife, said of the mosquitoes after she and Alexei wrapped up their session. "When you're naked, they'll bite you everywhere. It's especially bad for the men."

A recent article in The Moscow Times described how Yulia and Alexei, with a combined 11 years in the porn business, were among 15 actors who arrived on a recent Tuesday at the campsite on the outskirts of Lukhovitsy.

The article went on to say that filming in the city would require a lot less bug repellent, of course. But Loginov knows the owner of the campsite and adjacent shashlyk stand, so accommodations were essentially free of charge. He is also fond of ad-hoc alfresco shoots, in which actors spend a few days barbecuing, drinking and having sex for the camera.

But all of that is secondary for Loginov, who was once convicted on porn charges.

"First and foremost, the farther away from Moscow the better," Loginov said. "I've already had cops break down my door while I was filming in Moscow. I don't need that."

Loginov, 38, is one of a handful of adult film producers in Russia trying to run a legal business, although he says he has yet to turn a profit.

Read the entire Moscow Times article here.