Rumors of AdultDex Defections Overblown

Rumors that the cops made a dramatic raid and that eight exhibitors packed up their wares and deserted AdultDex in the middle of its four-day run are greatly exaggerated or not true at all, according to Faye Sharp, organizer of the event for the past six years.

Sharp said that Metro police and the State Liquor License Board did make an appearance and threatened to cite some exhibitors, but those citations were never issued. Two exhibitors did leave the event early: David Lace Exceptional Content and a local company called Sin City Vids. Perhaps coincidentally, the JMR Creations booth was observed to be vacant as early as midday Thursday.

According to Sharp, the controversy revolved around a couple of monitors showing hardcore material that were turned outward from their booths to face the attendees, and some exhibitor models who were flashing a little too much "pink." Either the police and the liquor board were immediately contacted about the offenses or they were already observing, because by the end of Tuesday they had issued their warnings regarding "lewd and lascivious" behavior, not just to the exhibitors but to the casino as well. That's when the cowpies really hit the fan, said Sharp. She was summoned to a meeting with the casino's general manager and told that the casino was up for a liquor license renewal and would not risk a citation or worse. Either the show cleaned up its act or hasta la vista, baby.

Sharp expressed some frustration because she said that she had been extremely explicit with exhibitors regarding what was allowed and what was not allowed on the show floor; however, she was adamant that by Wednesday everyone was back in line and everything was proceeding smoothly.

There was one more bump in the road, though. The casino had insisted that the show add on more security and that the guards ID everyone who appeared to be under 30. The law requires anyone inside a casino to be 21 years or older. Unfortunately, some of David Lace's girls couldn't get in; they were over 18, but under 21. "David said he couldn't do business without his girls," said Faye. "We gave him his money back."

Sharp was uncertain why the other company pulled out.

Our attempts to speak with David Lace and JMR Creations were unsuccessful.