Roundup: Class Is Now In Seduction - Er, Session

The City of Lovers is hosting a particularly racy version of learning the lessons of love: the School of Seduction. Instructors promise to teach even the most timid and homely how to approach the opposite sex with the confidence of Casanova, says Reuters. "We teach men to dare,'' said School of Seduction founder Veronique Jullien. Students undergo psychological profiles and move from there to one-on-one lessons or role-playing with one of the school's seduction coaches.

MILAN - Mario Cipollini's fans should see something missing in his new advertising campaign - like his clothes, for example. The cyclist premiered a photograph he shot for a new sportswear ad campaign May 8 wearing nothing but sports shoes while taking a classic sprinter's pose. "I accepted the proposal immediately and with enthusiasm because I like making fun of a world that takes itself too seriously,'' he told journalists. "I overcame the embarrassment for the first naked picture of my life immediately. I had lots of fun,'' he added.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Can a Muslim man divorce his wife by e-mail? That's the question a court here is going to answer soon. Traditional Islamic law allows a man to divorce his wife by saying, simply, "I divorce thee," if certain conditions are met. A UAE newspaper reported the court would have to rule if the divorce notification through the Internet was valid under the nation's Islamic code. The couple in question are an American born Arab and his Saudi wife. The husband has since registered his divorce decision at a court.

--- Compiled by Humphrey Pennyworth