Ross Comment on Executive Director Story

On Free Speech's announcement of a new executive director who will be introduced at their annual meeting in January, Ross also had this to say.

Ross: "I find it really interesting that there's going to be eight new board members and the outgoing board all of a sudden, for some reason, is pushing the agenda of hiring a new executive director. I think that's an insult to the new incoming board members." Ross said if he's named as one of the new incoming board he would push to have all the candidates who applied for executive director be re-interviewed. "Which leads to the next thing," said Ross. "I was one of those candidates. I've heard nothing from them [FSC]. Not to brag, I'm probably the most qualified person in the country. I want to know how come I've not been contacted to at least sit down and be interviewed. I think it's an insult. That's the problem with Free Speech right now. They're doing all these things in the wrong fashion. The new board should be able to walk in and hire an executive director that's going to meet their needs. The old board should not be strapping the new board with any policies and procedures and garbage of hiring somebody who seven or eight people don't even know.