Ron Jeremy, The Ambassador's Ambassador

Ah, the perks of being a porn star. When they discovered that their plane to LA wasn't leaving for several hours, Ron Jeremy and Kristina St. James found a very willing cab driver.

Jeremy: "The cab driver was a fan of ours. He just gave us a ride to the Marriot to use the pool for an hour and a half. It was a beautiful pool. Then he came and got us. We gave him a T-shirt and an extra tip. He gave us a great deal. He charged us six bucks each way. Great guy.

"This trip was actually better than last year. Bigger crowd, the people were nicer, there was a lot more sex and a lot more fun. I had more nookie off camera this year. I try not to do too much of that. Last year I had a lot more scenes, so I tried to control myself a little bit. This year I only had four scenes, including a bukkake. With four scenes in seven days I had left over libido"

G. Ross: "I heard a lot of rumors about your libido."

Jeremy: "That there was a lot of sex or no sex?"

G. Ross: "Lots of sex."

Jeremy: "This year I did a bit. It was all tested girls. Even some of the guests. I was messing around, I'll be honest, with this beautiful, beautiful girl. She had DNA's, PCR's, hepatitis tests, chlamydia tests. She actually did a girl-girl-girl scene. They hired her."

G. Ross: "The one that looked like Betty Page?"

Jeremy: "That's the one. But there were certain people, I'm not going to mention names, who were with people at the pool, and they were discovered doing it without any kind of rubbers. At least I checked tests first. It was a whole different ballgame. So no one can accuse me of making the same mistakes other people did. And they lost work for it.

G. Ross: "Your face went through three generations of skin during the week."

Jeremy: "I know. It got a little evened-out except for the nose. That's why I went to the Marriot, to get a little more tanned - fill in the pink spots.

"But it was a great time. The guests were happy. I had a lot of people say it was the greatest vacation they've ever gone on in their lives. People had a great fucking time. This thing should be a bigger and bigger hit every year. We went from 40 guests last year, 150 this year. We've only started to promote it.

"I did a lot of radio spots with Scott Stein going back five months, including Conway & Steckler. Now we can pump it up even more. I'll have flyers at all the events I go to. We should get many more people. You and I know how many people want to watch a porno film; how many celebrities and rock starts want to watch them and be on the set. The average guy comes up to you and asks you three questions: how can I get into the business, how can I get on a set, and what do you do about diseases? So the second most commonly-asked question is can I be on a set and watch. Here's a chance that they can actually do it.

"It isn't easy getting somebody on a porno set. You have to clear it with the director, the producer, the actress, the actor. People don't want strangers on sets unless they happen to be real famous rock stars, they don't mind. So, this is a way the average guy can do it and maybe participate, if he has the right blood tests. It was a very safe, fun, exciting shoot."