Ron Jeremy Gets Docked $$$$ For Getting a Blowjob

sanctioned blowjob at the hands of Aurora wound up costing him a month's pay when Metro found out about it. Jeremy, who's under contract to Metro, confirms the story and says it happened last year.

Jeremy: "It's a funny story, but I guess Metro wouldn't mind me saying it. It's all in good fun. What happened was I got permission from the executives at Metro to do a dialogue scene. David Brett of Passion Pictures had promised me stuff for years from the time I directed his first movie and worked really hard to sell it for him. After that David promised me work but I never got it. Finally, I got a dialogue scene. I'm so excited that finally I got a job with this putz, but it was a great a scene in a great movie - this Ally McBeal takeoff. It was great casting with Allysin Chaynes. It was a goofy little part. The executives at Metro said go ahead - dialogue only. I get to the set, and this is no lie, Aurora says, 'Oh, man, this is Ron Jeremy. I want to suck his dick.' Brett goes, you do? She says yeah. That's no lie. Normally people think I'm this horny little pig walking around asking every girl to have sex, which maybe sometimes I am. But in this particular case it was her suggestion, not mine. Dave will back this up.

"In fact there was this documentary guy on the set. It's being produced by Dan Sullivan an executive with Ron Howard's company. He was there rolling the camera behind the scenes. I think he caught it on video. Anyway, here's what makes this bizarre. Aurora worked with Tony Montana and was put on a list because she worked with Tony Montana. Sharon Mitchell by mistake puts me on the quarantine list as well. Then Greg Alves found out. I probably should have told him but I figured it was an off-camera behind-the-scenes-thing. Now I'm on the quarantine list and this is right before the Mexican trip in October. It looked for awhile like I was going to miss the first couple of days in Mexico. So now I'm being called into Metro's office and they're furious. I said it was off camera. They go was there a camera there? Allright. Greg said if I had taken it home and got blown in my bed he wouldn't have cared. 'But there was a camera rolling. This violates your deal,' he said. 'Now you're on a quarantine list.' I said it was a mistake. [Aurora blew Jeremy two weeks BEFORE she had contact with Montana - AIM's chronology was off.]

"Metro said they could have lost me for a few days in Mexico because of this. They were 100% right. I'm guilty. Thereotically, I'm a little bit guilty. It turned out that Sharon sent out an apology letter. She was totally wrong in my case. This series of events was so bizarre. If Sharon hadn't put me on the list, Metro probably would not have found out. But because of these events, if Tony hadn't tested positive, I would have been many dollars richer." [Jeremy was subsequently docked a month's pay.]

"It's by far the most expensive blowjob I ever had. It was a very good blowjob. Was it worth the money? No.