Rob Spallone: "Bo is Full of Shit"

In a second phone conversation Wednesday, Rob Spallone was even more amused at some of the remarks made by Bo Kenney, particularly charges of Internet extortion and cash kiting schemes. Spallone also said "I like that" to assertions that he's Kendra Jade's pimp. Spallone was particularly baffled by Bo's denial of the breakfast incident.

Spallone: "It happened in the deli across the street from Jim South's office. I paid all the talent with a check. I have every single check from that shoot, and I can prove that Bo is full of shit.That was a good try on his part. Did he deny the extasy up his ass? Ah, I got the people who were there when he told her. He admits the dick-sucking story, does he tell you about the one where he offered Kendra $2,000 to come to his hotel? [Josh, a P.A. corroborates that story.]

"Maybe I'm doing drugs. We did send Bo a screener. When I shoot a movie, on the movie it says Star World Productions. Bo called up Jim's office this morning and said he wanted to change it. I have no problem with that. We're in agreement on that. If Bo was unhappy about the talent we were using, why didn't he go to someone else? Ah, there's so many witnesses to these stories. Bo did meet for breakfast. The deal was he was supposed to pay me in advance. He didn't. He gave us every excuse in the world. He stroked Jim around on a movie Jim edited once before that's why Jim wants cash or a money order. Basically what he's telling you is all full of shit and we have the proof to prove that we don't lie.