Rob Black: "Jasmin Was Fired"

Rob Black said he's doing real well with the Nicole Bass bondage vid Pain & Suffering and predicts crazier material to come. "We did one with Kronus [the wrestler], and Nicole just beats the shit out of him and he's like a bloody, fucking mess," Black said. "It'll be one of the first bondage videos to have real blood in it. She just beats the living shit out of him. It's pretty rough stuff. The stuff we got coming out the end of this month, I Love to Hurt You, I think is even better than Pain & Suffering. This one's got some good comedy in it with Kyle Phillips. She beats this kid up in the kitchen with cookie sheets and fuckin' wooden spoons. It's pretty fuckin' brutal. Who knows? Maybe Nicole will decide to do a girl-girl scene?

Black : "You comin' to the [XPW] show this Saturday? I'll put you with [Tom] Byron. He sits up there and just consumes alcohol."

Black was also asked about Jessica Darlin' and the countless Internet rumors about her quitting or retiring. "We got the new Jessica Darlin movie coming out in April,:" says Black. "I've got some big announcements with her but the movie coming out in April is the biggest one she's ever done. Her husband Louis Cypher is the director. It's the biggest movie both have ever done. It will be one of the biggest from Extreme this year. It's very disturbing. I'll get a ton of heat and aggravation for it, but I'll put it out the way it is. It's called Last Breath. This will cement Jessica as a marquee player in the company. This will elevate her to star status. This will put him as one of our top directors. It has to do with her being this angel that's there for all these people who are dying. You never really know if she's a good angel or bad anagel. But it's got a lot of blood in it and is very violent."

G. Ross: "What's the rumor about Jasmin quitting because money is owed her?"

Black [laughing]: "Jasmin didn't quit we fired her. There's a difference. The story goes deeper and deeper, but I really don't give a fuck anymore. Basically I need someone who's going to do their job and not cause waves. It was time to let go of some of the payroll because we're doing other things, we got another line starting [Armagedon] and we got the wrestling-thing going. It was time to elevate other people who have been waiting in line to get that star power. Jasmin wasn't drawing anymore and it wasn't worth keeping her around for the aggravation. It was time to cut the strings.

"We're starting Armagedon. We're only picking X number of distributors and they're getting a cheaper price than the rather Extreme videos. We'll have two hours and four hours. Basically this line is going to attack the same market as Vivid, VCA, Heatwave and Zane and all these mamalukes out there. We're going to cut in their lower end of the business. You can buy an Armageddon video in a liquor store for eight dollars. Shit like that. There will be five videos a month shot by the same people that do Extreme. But, it's not going to be a Whacks That Ass where you have 12 girls and they're all taking it up the ass. You give the people an alternative to when they say I can't pay $14 for your shit and take 50 pieces. Instead of them loading up with all the other garbage out there they can load up on our garbage.

G. Ross: "I also hear that Byron was pretty hot and heavy with Janine at the Thosand Year Itch show in Reseda."

Black: [laughing]: "Nor can I confirm. Nor can I deny."

G. Ross: "Are you acting on that previous fantasy impulse about signing Janine?"

Black: "Let's put it this way. No, she ain't workin' for us, but her and Tommy have been hanging out. That's a Byron personal life. As far as I know she's out of the business. I'm doing the porn-thing but I'm not as entrenched as I was. I've got the wrestling. In the next couple of weeks we should have some pretty big announcements."

G. Ross: "You're going to sign some pretty big names, aren't you? With all the WCW defections I said to myself Rob's going to pull a rabbit out of the hat."

Black: "That you know. You're very close. I got a meeting today with somebody that we might form with that will take us to the next level, that will enable us to do 8 to 10 shows a month."

G. Ross: "What about the TV-thing?"

Black: "That's in March through all of Los Angeles. We'll reach 10 million homes. We're between KTLA and KCAL, we're finagling over money. We're also tentatively set to go into the San Francisco market. That's where we're going to do the shows. Rabbits will be coming out of hats, baby. Whooooooooooooooooooow!"