Remedial Reading 101 Back in Session

Gene sez: Read the following the statement. It was made yesterday by John T. Bone talking about Jasmin St. Claire's departure from Extreme Associates.

Bone: "The sad thing now is she's due for a bottom-feeding career of a drug addict. The sad thing is she's not the dopehead that all the other bottom feeders are. Sadly, Jasmin has nowhere to go after Rob Black."

Okay, would you draw the conclusion from that statement that Jasmin St. Claire's a drug addict? Evidently several people did and couldn't wait to tell Jasmin about it, prompting a call from her this morning.

Jasmin: "I'm not really upset right now. I'm not really directly upset at you. But I wish you would tack a statement on there where you have Bowen calling me a drug addict. That's very..."

G. Ross: "As a matter of fact, that's what he said you weren't."

Jasmin: "No, he said that I was..."

G. Ross: "That's not the impression I got."

Jasmin: "It's up on your site."

G. Ross: "No. No. Read what he's saying."

Jasmin: "My computer isn't even up right now."

G. Ross: "He said that you're not, but that you're acting like the other bottom feeders who tend to be drug addicts. But Jasmin doesn't do drugs. That's what he said.

Jasmin [amused by the bottom feeder reference]: "Someone read that who was hiring me for a wrestling event in Las Vegas and it's causing a problem. It got back to them that I'm on drugs. I said, fine, drug test me. If I'm such a drug addict, tell me why I get up 7 o'clock every morning, go to wrestling and go to the gym workout if I'm such a drug addict."

G. Ross: "But John's not saying this."

Jasmin: "Someone is saying it differently."

G. Ross: "People don't read."

Jasmin: "Well, it was Mara [Epstein] that relayed that message to me. And someone else, the guy from AWA, and I'm like, oh fuck, but they're still going to use me on the card. But I just freaked out, like Oh Christ. That's the last thing anyone needs."

G. Ross: "The only thing he had to say about you was that you were a bitch."

Jasmin: "You can print that I'm a certified bitch but that he's a rookie bitch. People and their drama..."