Four nude women triggered a riot early New Year's Day when they streaked through a ski resort town, in an incident which resulted in fifteen arrests.

Whitefish Police Chief William LaBrie tells the Associated Press the riot started 15 minutes into the new year, when the four women ran nude down Central Avenue. Three of them face indecent exposure charges.

Unfortunately, over 400 people spilled out of bars surrounding the thoroughfare, the AP says, and began throwing bottles, snowballs, rocks, and fireworks at police. LaBrie tells the AP the police called for help from the sheriff, the Montana Highway Patrol, the U.S. Border Patrol, and the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad Police.

Twelve men were arrested and released from jail Saturday morning as they sobered up, police tell the AP. The three streakers were each freed on $150 bail.

The fourth eluded police, but police tell the AP they have "a good description".