Fleshtone Productions chief executive officer Danny Carrelli could not have been more ebullient or blunt at once. "We're not here to break the record…we're going to plain assassinate it."

It, in case you were wondering, was the purported gangbang record (depending on whom you believe, it's between 620 and 750 men in one serving). And adult star Sabrina Johnson plans to serve up two thousand in a live millenium New Year's Eve gangbang, to be broadcast live on the Internet.

"What do you mean, only two thousand?" Johnson asked archly, when asked facetious if those were all she expected to indulge for the event. Then, she laughed softly.

Wrapped in a tastefully arresting, silver blue sheath dress, Johnson appeared at ia2000 to promote both the event and Fleshtone Productions. "It's been good so far," she said Saturday, while autographing small posters of herself for fans. "I've never done anything like this before. And it's been fun meeting such different people."

Carrelli said he's hoping the event will put an end to what he and Johnson call "featherweight" attempts to mount large-scale gangbang events.

"We want to end the gangbang, so nobody will even be able to touch this one," he said enthusiastically. "I don't think that after we make two thousand guys that anyone will even try to break the record. Fleshtone and Sabrina Johnson are going to be the heavyweights of the gangbang."

For additional information go to www.flestone2000.com