R. Kelly Ignites More Controversy

Singer R. Kelly was arrested for the second time in as many years yesterday morning when 12 photos of a nude girl were found in his home. Three of the pictures featured pictures of Kelly having sex with the girl.rnrn

"Even though the evidence was seized last summer, the pictures themselves did not establish a case," said Chip Thullbery, spokesperson for the Florida attorney's office. "We had to confirm the identity of the girl, establish that the pictures were real, (not computer-generated,) and all of that takes time."rnrn

Authorities said the charges stem from the discovery of child pornography images during a search of the singer's rented Davenport residence in June. That search was conducted during his initial arrest in Polk County on an Illinois fugitive warrant. rnrn

At that time, two search warrants were executed at his home, and 12 digital images were found that depicted an underage female. Three images also depicted Kelly involved in sexual conduct with the female minor, authorities said.rnrn

Officials would not say whether the minor in the digital photos was the same girl who appears in the videotape at the center of the case in Chicago. Police said they'll continue to investigate before considering any additional charges.rnrn

Kelly was released on a $12,000 bond. If convicted, Kelly faces up to five years for each of the 12 felony counts, according to the state attorney's office. An arraignment date has not been set.rnrn

"At this point," R. Kelly spokesperson Allan Mayer said, "it looks to us like a classic case of piling on, in which a local jurisdiction tries to make headlines by attaching itself to a celebrity case. As far as we can tell, the charges all relate to R. Kelly's arrest last summer. In other words, there is nothing new here."rnrn

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