ProSex News: Sockin' it to Sacramento

Taliesin,; writes: "The big news, of course, is the upcoming Free Speech Lobbying Days in the California State capitol, Sacramento. I'll be joining a delegation from the Free Speech Coalition there May 7 - 9 for some legislative training, lobbying and other good stuff. The event's being organized by Kat Sunlove, the FSC lobbyist, who does a lot of good work protecting the First Amendment, particularly how it relates to porn. Erotica stars scheduled to attend include Julie Ashton, Nina Hartley, Annie Sprinkle, Christi Lake, Devinn Lane, Dave Cummings, and LaSara Firefox. This is my first time going to this annual event, and I'm really looking forward to it. I expect I'll see a number of you there.

Other news. Slight snag on the Porn Star Blood Drive. I've spoken with representatives from the Red Cross and we are making head way but we had to postpone the Blood Drive which was originally planned for April. If possible, I'd like to hold it during the PAW Carnival which is tentatively scheduled for August 12. The carnival will raise money for the PAW (Protecting Adult Welfare) Foundation. As a PAW volunteer I can tell you that this is a good cause, and I hope everyone in the Southern California area will come out for the event. It'll be a lot of fun.

Got to visit with a new, up 'n' coming producer/director named Matt Marin when he was shooting scenes for his latest videos, Fornication Nation #s3 & 4. My article and exclusive pics of starlets Julianna Sterling and Gia are at Check it out.

Free Speech Coalition - PAW Foundation - Matt Marin - And

That's all for this issue.